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Dear Mommy and Daddy:
My provider wants to share what I did today!

Today I was:    Happy      Tearful       Playful     All of the Above!      Other: _______
For Breakfast I ate:                                                  all     some     none
For Lunch I ate:                                                        all     some     none
For snack I ate:                                                        all     some     none
This is how many bottles I drank today:
Time: ___________ oz: ___________
Time: ___________ oz: ___________
Time: ___________ oz: ___________
Bowel Movements:         1  2  3  4       They were:              Normal    Loose    Hard
Nap time:    ____________to______________
This is how I played today:_____________________________________________________
Special Notes from my Provider:_________________________________________________
Today My Provider gave me the following medication/s:
at the following times:              /           /           /           /          /            Each dose was:_________

Mommy and Daddy:
My provider wants to remind you to please bring the following to daycare tomorrow!
Diapers_____ Ointment_____ Wipes____ Formula _____ Powder_____Baby Food_____Other__________
Clothing Item: __________________________________________________________


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