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| Preschool Themes | The Alphabet Pages | Letter Kk

A *beary* nice welcome!
Fun Things to Do With the
Letter Kk

Activities & Crafts
Songs, Finger Plays, Nursery Rhymes

Activities & Crafts:

Painting with the Letter "K"
Tear off several pieces of kale (vegetable) and show the children how to paint the kale leaf and make "kale" prints on their paper.  

Recognizing the Letter "K"
Introduce the letter "K" to the children by showing them the written word "kangaroo" and helping them to see that it begins with a "K".  Cut a large kangaroo shape out of paper; add a pouch and tuck a cutout of the letter "K" inside it.  

Make Kites - for ideas see our Kite Theme.

King for a Day - Make crowns and make all the children "Kings" for a day.

Key Chain - Cut several large key shapes from cardboard.  Let the children cut things from old magazines or catalogues that begin with the letter "K"; glueing them to the key shapes.  Hang the keys from a string from the ceiling, as if on a chain, and let the children, one by one, identify an item on the key chain.

I am a "K" - Let the children practice their balance by being the letter k.  Show them how to make the letter "K" with their bodies; with one arm and one leg pointing out.

Kitchen - Set up a kitchen center or let the children cut pictures out of magazines or catalogues of items they would find in a kitchen; and glue onto a large piece of poster paper.


Songs, Finger Plays, Nursery Rhymes:

Oh, I'm a Kangaroo 
   (sung to Farmer in the Dell)
Oh, I'm a kangaroo,
I live down at the zoo.
I like to jump around a lot.
How About you?

Oh, I'm a kangaroo,
I live down at the zoo.
I carry a baby in my pouch.
How about you?


Kite Cookies
Make your favorite sugar cookie recipe.  Cut the cookies into diamond shapes.  After baking, decorate with frosting, adding licorice strings for kite strings.

bearpaw line

*Beary* special thanks to
for the wonderful graphics for this page.

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