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| Preschool Themes | The Alphabet Pages | Letter Hh
A *beary* nice welcome!

Fun Things to Do With the
Letter Hh

Activities & Crafts
Songs, Finger Plays, Nursery Rhymes

Activities & Crafts:

Recognizing the Letter "H"
Introduce the letter "Hh" to the children by showing them the written word "heart" and helping them to see that it begins with an "Hh".  Cut a large heart shape out of paper and write the letter "Hh" on it.  Have the children tear or cut out magazine pictures beginning with the letter "Hh" and then glue the pictures on the heart shape.

H's on an H
Have the children trace the letter "H" and glue alphabet cereal onto the outline.  Display the H's on a bulletin board with colorful drawings of "H" objects.

Ask the children to trace around one of their hands.  Decorate it as they wish with markers, glitter, sequins, etc.  Post on a bulletin board; or hang from the ceiling (decorate both sides for this display)

Have a fun game of horseshoes with plastic horseshoes.

Hairy Harry
Ask the children to fill a styrofoam cup with potting soil; add some rye grass seeds.  Water daily.  The children can decorate their cup by adding facial features with construction paper pieces or with markers.

Make or buy a height chart.  Measure the children and yourself.  Mark their names on the chart.  Who is the tallest?  Who is the shortest?  Use a ruler and measure the height of objects found in the room. 

Take some hoolahoops outside and have a hilarious time with them!  Roll them, jump thru them, jump over them, swing them on your hips!!

Make a Letter H Booklet or House
Ask children to bring a picture or magazine cut out of something beginning with the letter Hh.  Glue them into a booklet or on a large cut out of a house.

Hat Day
Ask the children to bring a hat from home or make hats - Have a Hat Parade!

Hawaiian Day
Play Hawaiian music, do the Hawaiian Dance, and have a luau picnic for lunch!

My  House
Give the children a large cutout of a house.  Ask them to find pictures in magazines that are in a house.  Glue them onto the house cutout.

Hobby Horses
Make hobby horses with a brown paper bag.  Stuff bag lightly with newspaper.  Tie open end of bag tightly over a stick (dowelling works great for this) with a piece of jute or twine.  Add a mane and a tail with yarn.  Draw on the horses eyes or add large googly eyes.  Add a mouth and nostrils.  Tie on an extra piece of jute for reins.  Take your horses outside and have horse races.

Songs, Finger Plays, Nursery Rhymes:

A Little House
I will make a little house, (hold hands upright with tips of fingers touching to form arch)
Where two playmates come to hide.  (slide thumbs under arch)
When I peep in at the door,  (bend hands to look through arch)
They  quickly run outside.  (slide thumbs out quickly)

Ten Galloping Horses
Ten galloping horses came through the town, (hold up ten fingers and pretend to gallop)
Five were white and five were brown.  (hold up five and five)
The galloped up and galloped down; (gallop them up and down)
Ten galloping horses came through the town.

A House for Me
The carpenter's hammer
Goes rap, rap, rap; (make a fist of one hand and pound in the palm of the other)
And his saw goes see, saw, see; (move arm in sawing motion)
he hammers and hammers, (hammer)
And saws and saws; (saw)
And builds a house for me. (make house outline)

If You're Happy and You Know It
If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands (Clap hands twice)
If you're happy and you know it,  Clap your hands (Clap hands twice)
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it
 If you're happy and you know it, Clap your hands. (Clap hands twice)


Hoagies for Lunch
Make hoagie sandwiches with hot dog buns, egg salad; peanut butter & banana; pb & jam or other favorite filling.

Hoagies for Snack
Sandwich cream cheese, cheez whiz or frosting between two lady finger cookies. 

Happy Face Pancakes 
Make your favorite pancake recipe.  Give the kids chocolate chips fresh banana chips, etc. and maple syrup to create their faces!

bearpaw line

*Beary* special thanks to
for the wonderful graphics for this page.

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