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FAQ for Daycare Parents

I have gathered many questions/statements that parents have asked/made me over the years as a provider, plus a few that other providers have mentioned.  These are meant to provide parents with the tools to be the *beary* best daycare parents in any daycare situation! 

"Is it okay if I drop little Suzy off half an hour early on Wednesday?  I have an early exercise class." 

Of course, I don't need to have a shower/eat/brush my teeth that morning!  Please don't ask a provider if you can drop off a child early for personal reasons.  We need that time in the morning to get our own family members settled, off to school, and to set up for our daycare day.  If at all possible, make arrangements for another family member to drop your child off for you.  If you have an emergency situation, or really need to get to WORK a bit early, discuss this with your provider.  Expect to pay her for the extra time, and don't make a habit of it!

"Can I pay you next week, something unexpected came up/had to pay another bill/or ....?"

Sure!  But, you will have to pack your kids lunches and snacks and bring them to daycare until then, cuz I won't have the money to grocery shop!  We plan our budget the same as you do.  We need to be paid on time, and in full.  We use the money to buy food, arts & crafts supplies, maintain and purchase new daycare toys/equipment, pay our own household bills, so that we can provide the very best quality care for your kids!  How would you feel, if your employer told you on payday, "Sorry, but I can't meet payroll this week.  Something more important came up.  Your check will be a week late."  This is our "pay check" - please treat us with the same respect as you expect from your employer!

"I am a bit short this week.  Can I give you the balance at the end of the week?"

See Number 2 above!!

"Hey, didn't have time to give them their bath last night.  Can you give them one this morning?"

Yes, as long as you don't mind 4 other children climbing into the tub with them!  Please bring your child to daycare clean, and fully dressed.   We expect to wipe little hands and faces throughout the day, and there will be times when a quick bath is required, like when a child drenches herself in her juice at lunchtime, for example!  And that is quite an adventure for us providers, with 4 other children watching the show and expecting their turn!!

"Can I bring a snack offering for all the children?"

Yes, please do!  We accept all donations...LOL!  Please do not send chips, candy or other sweet things.  Cookies with candy bits (like smarties, m&m's) are fine.  Ask your provider in advance, how many children will be in care that day - that way noone is left out!

"I'm running a bit late. Could you possibly drive B**** to his soccer practice at 5?" 
OR "I am stuck at work. Can you drive the kids home - their 16 year old sister is waiting for them?"

Yup, and I will pick up that carton of milk that you ran out of this morning, too!  We are in the business of caring for children, not playing chauffeur!  If you are not able to pick up your child for any reason, make sure you have a back up plan.  Another family member, a neighbor.  Your child needs to be picked up on time to allow your provider the time she needs for her own family. 

"Do you mind if I sit and observe for awhile?"

No problem!  But, remember that a child (yours!) is always at their worst at daycare when you are present.  It's called Murphy's Law!!  Your child will be expected to follow all daycare rules in your presence and we expect you to uphold the law along with us!  Instead of "just" observing, why not lend a hand?  If you want to spend time with your child in their daycare setting, discuss it with your provider and plan on being a volunteer helper for an hour or two!  You will see first hand, and experience our daycare day to the fullest!  Your child will be happier, the provider will be happier, and, you, as a parent, will have a very rewarding memory to take with you.

"It is so hard to leave him in the mornings when he attaches himself to my leg as I go out the door.  What should I do?  Stay?  Leave?"

Please leave!  Give your child the re-assurance that you will return as soon as you can, give them a hug and a kiss, and bid them goodbye.  A quick goodbye is better for all concerned.  99% of the time the crying/clingy child is happily playing before the parent leaves the driveway!!  I bet you also find that this child is the same one who puts up a fuss when it is time to leave, cuz he wants to stay!

"I can't get away from work right now, can you just lay him down and keep him quiet until 5?"
(this asked by a parent with a child who had just vomited, and had a slight fever!)

NO!  A sick child has no place at daycare, and needs to be removed from care, for the sake of all the other children, the provider, and her family.  The provider takes care of more than one child during her day, and does not have the resources to nurse a sick child and provide quality care for the other children in her care.  Have a backup plan with a neighbor, family member, or friend just in case!

"I would love to see the Wildlife Park.  Can I join you?"

Yes!  We would welcome the extra supervision on our field trip! 

"We had a rough weekend.  Little J**** was sick all weekend.  There is a bottle of tylenol in the diaper bag - just in case." 
(this said Monday morning as they dropped Little J off).

Please don't bring a sick child to daycare.  Unless a child is symptom free for 24 hours they cannot return to daycare.   This also means that the symptoms cannot be masked with tylenol or any other drug!  If you have had to administer a drug to your child to abate a symptom in the past 24 hours, please make other arrangements for care.  Expect a phone call if the child's symptoms "suddenly" reappear after you leave!



*Beary* special thanks to
for the wonderful graphics for this page.

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