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 | Child's Play Home | Provider Corner | Building Centers

Building Centers in a Daycare Setting

Whether a daycare center or a family daycare home, setting up areas of interest promotes active learning.  When planning your areas, keep in mind your own favorite play experiences as a child.  For small daycare homes, you can set up smaller areas, or alternate areas each week.  Your kitchen table could become the Art Area; your living room the Dramatic Play area.  These areas are easily set up indoors and out...have fun with them!  You may find that one or two areas are favorites and you may choose to have it set up all the time.  Some you will have set up for a day or two; some for a week or two!  Keep it interesting for the children, and offer a wide variety of materials for them to explore, transform, and combine.
Music and MovementMusic and Movement  Art AreaArt Area
  Sand & Water AreaSand and Water Area Construction CenterConstruction Center
Dramatic PlayDramatic Play  Outdoor Area Art Area
Science CenterScience Center
Woodworking AreaHouse Area
Toy Area - Coming Soon! Art Area
Block CenterBlock Center

*Beary* special thanks to
for the wonderful graphics for this page.

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