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welcome to the story page...i will tell you some of my stories...i mean me and chickchick's stories...enjoy...


chick and me were classmates...i was new to New Zealand...the first day at school was so boring...i just followed everyone...the school is big...i was afraid of losing my way...when we were dividing into classes...i know a girl called angela...who chick called her idiot later...she is my friend and new to New Zealand as well...from then...we became good friends...

i didn't notice anyone when we got to the form class...i was always with angela that day...but my intuition told me...that someone was sitting in the corner...but i didn't turn my head...i just knew that someone was there...and i thought that he would become an important role in my later life...and i was right...he is chick...i didn't know his name at first...i always wanted to know his name...but i never remembered it...oh my chick...i got suck memories...

the first few days at school were always form we always played was quite fun...i knew a boy called brenden in my class at that time...he was sitting in front of me...he is a New Zealand Chinese...but he can't speak chinese at all...i talked to him when we had form times...i think that's why chick got jealous by him in later time...i also saw chick sitting near the wall and never talked...he sat with his hk friend...he just sat there and did nothing...maybe he doesn't like games...don't know why...i got a strong feeling of him...but i never looked at him...i didn't even know how he looks like...all i knew was that he was quiet...unlike other boys...naughty and annoying...

i like playing basketball ( which i call bb now)...i always played bb with my friends in china...all of them were boys...don't know why...i just like playing with boys...sometimes i think that girls are annoying and immature...and i'm more like a boy than a girl...i like boys' day...i asked angela to play bb...and i thought playing with her would be quite i decided to call some boys to play as well...but i was afraid that boys would think girls are sucks...but anyway...i called chick and his friend to play after school...i wrote him a note to tell him to play after school in the morning at form time...then he agreed...and i was so happy...don't know why...i think i liked him a bit at the time la...but i didn't want to tell...but in my heart...i was hoping that he could like me too...but i never expected...

that day was rained a little during the day...i was afraid that we couldn't play bb after school if it rained...the last lesson on that day was option maths...chick and me were in the same class...just before the bell started a shower...oh my chick...i was so disappointed...i kept on watching outside and hoping it would stop raining...and i thought...even it stopped was still wet outside...maybe chick wouldn't play after school...but stopped raining just before the bell went...and i got a little chance...

the bell and angela met in the bb court outside the stopped raining...but the ground was wet...we changed into PE gear and started playing...only me and angela in the quiet...i could only hear the noise of dribbling and shooting...angela was quite cheap at bb...and her shots were funny...we played for a while...but chick didn't come...i disappointed...i thought that he wouldn't come...cos the ground was wet...he might go back home...after a while...when i was just laughing at angela for her shots...i saw chick walking towards the court...he wore muftis...he came near and told me that his friend couldn't come...he said that he went back home to change the clothes...and i was glad again...cos i could see him...we played and played...we always laughed at angela...cos she was funny...we laughed chick as well...cos as a matter of fact...he wasn't good at my eyes...boys are always good at bb...but he's an exceptation...maybe he was just good at studying...i could see that he never did sports before...from his white skin and glasses...his eyes were about 500 degrees...

happy time is always was time to leave...angela and chick were the same way i went back myself...nothing special happened on that day...

the next day was friday...the last lesson was health...angela sat beside chick...cos their surnames both start with L...i sat behind was boring...i didn't bother to listen to the teacher...instead...i talked to angela...after a while...angela asked chick his email...i don't know why she asked...but i always think that she might like chick...i even think so until the end of the class...i asked chick to play bb again after school...he asked me if i played bb everyday...i said my heart...i was scared that he might get annoyed by me...cos i always asked him to play bb...after school...angela and me played bb again...the same thing happened as the last day...chick came after he went back home for clothes...then we went back home...nothing special happened...

that night...i asked angela for chick's email...cos angela asked me to play bb on saturday...which is the next i decided to email him...i sent him an email at night...but i was afraid that he couldn't receive it if he didn't check email very often...i didn't even expect he could go and play bb on my email...i told him to wait outside school around 9am...

i went to school at 9 in the morning the next day...i was the one in school when i was there...i started feeling disappointed when i didn't see chick when i arrived...i began to dribble the ball while i was waiting...after a while...i saw chick walking towards me...i was so happy...i said hello to him and asked him if he got my email or not...he just said yes...and i thought it was a silly question...if he didn't receive the could he come now? i am like that...always ask silly questions...hehe...we waited and talked...can't remember what we talked about...the only thing i can remember is that we waited for about one hour...but still no sign of decided to go back home to have a look...maybe she was in my house waiting...i asked chick to go with me as well...once i got home...i went in and phoned one was in her house...then i decided to invite chick inside to play...we played computer game...a game called king of fighters 99...which is always played by boys...he was so surprised that a girl played kof 99...and the more surprising thing was that i was good at kof 99...and i won him most of the times...i still remember how he shouted out when he lost to's still suck at kof 99 now...but he could play kof 98 very well...i can only play with keyboard...but he plays with ps...

after an hour...he said he had to leave...or else his mom would had to let him go...i didn't want him to leave as well...i thought i started liking him from that time...oh my chick...once i like a person...i don't want to leave him even one second...i'm like that...can't change even now...but of course i can stay with chick longer at school...but i will still feel sad when we finish school every day...and i hate holidays...cos i can't see chick in now...chick has to leave and go back to hk tomolo...he has to leave early in the morning...i can't see him for 2 months from now's the longest time to leave him from the day i met him...anyway...back to the story...he went back home around 11am...then nothing happened on that day...

from that day...we started to communicate with each other by emails...we almost sent emails everyday...and we were getting crazy...sometimes we sent each other 8 emails one day...

the next week...i asked him to play bb everyday...and he agreed...i was so happy...cos i could see him more...everyday was the was like that...but i never felt long as i could see him...everything would be ok...he bought a bb...he never played bb before...but because of me...he started playing bb...and he plays very well now...i should admit...that he is better than me a matter of fact...he's just taller than me...much he has the advantage of playing bb...i'm quite short comparing with'm so poor...but i can bet...if i'm taller than him...or we are the same height...i can play well...i can be better than him...hehe...

as time flies...i began to realize that i liked him more and more each day...i don't want to leave him after day...after we played bb...we went back home together...we walked along a road...then always said goodbye at a conjunction...which i turn left and he turns right...but on that day...after we said goodbye to each other...just when began to cross the road...i heard him saying wait...i turned back my head and looked at him surprisingly...he ran towards me and told me he'd like to send me home...cos he said that it wasn't so safe for me to walk i agreed...on the way...nothing special happened...we just talked about studying and such things...but i enjoyed walking with least i could see him more...from that day...he always sent me home after playing bb...those days...i was so happy...but i never told him that i liked him...sometimes i thought if he liked me or not...i wanted to tell him that i liked him...and wanted to know if he liked me or not...but i was afraid...i was afraid of hearing that he didn't like me but another girl...cos i heard my friends saying that chick liked another girl in another i didn't dare to ask him...

one friend sent me an online test...the test was about putting down two opposite sex people...then put down some songs...and then the answer will tell you which is the one you love and which is the one you like but couldn't get i sent the test to chick as well...the next day was the morning when i just woke up...chick phoned me...he asked me about my test result...i just told him that i put down my friends' name who were in china...he sounded like disappointed...then i told him that it didn't mean anything...i didn't like those two guys...i didn't know how i put down their names...then he seemed to be happy again...and he told me that he put down my name for the one he loved...the other one he didn't tell me...but i know that he put down angela's name in the later story...when we got a closer relationship...we started to tell each other our secrets...back to the story...when he told me that he put down my name...i was so so happy...oh my chick...i was about to dance...cos i thought that he liked me...or else he wouldn't phone me early in the morning and asked me about the result...and one thing...he put down my name...even he said it didn't mean anything...i knew that he was just shy...hehe...but i was still not sure...

one day...i couldn't bear i started testing him...i sent an email to him...i said that i got something in my mind which annoyed me so much...and asked him to reply if he received my email...he didn't reply me...i know there might be something i asked him again...he only saw the replying part..but didn't see the part that i said i'm annoyed by something...then i told him to read the email last...he said sorry to me and then sent a reply to me to ask what thing it was...then i told him that a person annoyed me...and i didn't tell him who the person was and why the person annoyed me...then in the second email...he asked me who was the person...and asked me was the person a girl or a boy...i told him that it was a boy...but i didn't tell him more...he kept on asking me...and said it wouldn't be hurt i if i told him...em...then i started to tell him that i liked a person in our school...then he asked me who that boy was...i didn't know if i should tell him or not...i was afraid that he may not like i asked who he liked first before i decided to tell him...i asked him if he liked the girl who people always talked about...and he said he didn't like the girl...and i was relaxed...there was a chance that he could like me...then told him the description of the boy which i liked...and it was obvious that i was talking about him...but he just asked me if i liked one of his friend or not...cos that friend of his was quite like chick...but i said i didn't like that friend of his...instead...i said i liked a person which was in our class...that was even more obvious...i told him so because he promised that he would tell me who he liked if i told him first...then he asked me if i liked him or not...and he kept his promise and told me who he liked...OH MY CHICK!!!i couldn't even believe what i saw in his email...he said he liked me...i was so happy...i was about to could i was like dream...i never expected he would like me...but sometimes i dreamt that he liked me...hehe...but anyway...i knew he liked me and he knew i liked him on that day...

i was very shy the next day at school...i couldn't even dare to talk to him...don't know why la...i was that shy...hehe...i told him about that in the later story...and he laughed at me...oh my chick...

our love is from there...we love each other very much now...we got each other's love within half a year...that's so the short half year...we knew each other...we became friends with each liked each other...till now...we love each other...even i know the process is short...but the love will last forever...and now...i have decided forever...i will spend my whole life with chick...i will never change my heart...i will never leave him...and i hope he won't leave me either...even i love him so much...he doesn't trust me completely now...for some reasons...i will tell you later...

if you enjoy my story...more to come later...see next page plz...

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