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One Plus One, creative writing, poetry, civil rights,<title>
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"One Plus One"
Chapter one

Rain at this time of year was not unexpected by Richard, yet he was unprepared for it's being present. Running between the rain drops was a never ending attempt to avoid getting drenched by the deluge descending upon him. New York City traffic was far from helping as he ran, slid, tripped his way down Fifth Avenue heading for the subway.

Approaching the top step his hand slid down the hand rail, gravity was far from being his friend as both feet also began a rough ride sliding over each of the first four steps downward. Grabbing the rail with both hands now, Richard's body was slammed against the wall, thus, at last, stopping his decline. Totally out of breath, he slumped up against the wall, slowly allowing his body to slide down into a sitting position onto the fifth step.

No raincoat, no shoe protection, no umbrella, just a soaking mass of humanity dressed in a pair of $150 Florsheim shoes, $500 Blass business suit, $40 shirt, $20 tie, in desperate need of a $3 umbrella.

As he sat there, trying to feel normal again, the downpour stopped to be replaced by a gentle rain. A woman was standing next to him holding that desparately needed $3 umbrella over his soaked body.

She looked at him, startled, and then asked if he was all right. He nodded his head dumbly, not even looking at her. She stood in from of him and asked if he needed any help. He looked up at her, into the greenest eyes he had ever seen. He jumped up quickly, and smiling, said he was fine.

Glancing at the umbrella, Richard hesitantly asked "Would you mind if I continue to share it with you." He was really surprised at his boldness, but he just couldn't let her get away. She was so pretty.

She looked at him, smiled, and said, "which way are you headed?" He was at a loss for words. He didn't know which way she was headed, but he wanted to go with her.

"Well," he said, "I was on my way to have lunch, but the rain caught me unprepared. I started to duck in here to get out of the rain. There is a little restaurant called Andy's about two blocks going west. Would that be out of your way?"

"Actually, that's the direction I was heading." Green eyes affirmed.

"Great!" Richard cried. "Here, let me hold the umbrella over you as we walk." Richard said as he took the handle.

As they walked in the direction of the restaurant, Richard started thanking her again for helping him out. She interrupted him and said it was no problem, she was glad to do it. He felt he had to keep talking so that she would be comfortable enough to have lunch with him.

"My name is Richard." he said. "I know I look like a mess, but I'm really a nice guy. What's your name?"

She smiled and said. "My name is Kate. I could tell you were a nice guy otherwise, I don't know if I would have stopped to talk to you."

Richard was encouraged by this, and smiling, he said. "I'm glad you said that because now I feel better about asking you if I can buy you lunch so that I can repay your good deed."

Kate shook her head and said "Oh no, you don't have to do that. I was glad to do it. No payment is necessary."

Richard smiled and said, "OK, but I would like to take you to lunch. Please, it would mean a lot to me."

She looked at him thoughtfully, weighing his words. "You know," she said smiling. "I think I'd like that."

His pace is far from the frantic steps of moments ago. Now Richard seems to think, but for the rain, he would be eating alone. No longer is that a worry on his mind. Today would be differant, a face will be opposite him, perhaps smiling, laughing at his jokes. Someone to share time with, someone to share ideas with, yes, for today there will be someone.

Richard suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh, my God!" he exclaimed. "I'll catch a death of a cold with these clothes on. I forgot all about them, they are soaked thru. Listen, Kate, my office is on the way. I have a total set of dry things there. Do you mind if I stop and change? You could come up to the office with me, or there is a small shop in the lobby if you want to wait there, but I can offer you a cup of coffee at my office while you're waiting."

She looked at him. "I think I'll opt for that cup of coffee, in the lobby".

"Great", he said, and they headed for his office.

Twenty minutes later the two left his building and headed for the restaurant. After they ordered food, Richard talked to her about himself. He told her he was from Arizona and had just moved to New York to take on a new job. He was only here six months and still did not know many people, socially. He said he still couldn't get used to the crowded city and the mass of humanity racing around the streets. "No one seemed to relax in this city".

She laughed, saying "I'm a native New Yorker. I'm used to the sounds and the fast pace, I love it all". "New Yorkers are very friendly people, really, and, believe it or not, we do know how to relax."

"What was it like growing up in Arizona?"

"A far cry from your life as a child, I'm sure." He replied. "Out there the sky is always full of shades of blue, an occasional group of wispy white cirrus clouds are seen, just wide open spaces". " I swear that at times you can see into tomorrow, Okay, Okay, maybe not that far". The two smiled at the same time, just thinking of that possibility.

Without thinking Richard blurted out, "When you smile your green eyes sparkle like turquoise, bright as if still in the hands of a Navajo silversmith."

He looked at her, chagrined and said, "I'm sorry, Kate". "I mean about just coming out and saying something like that". "It's just that, well I mean, well, that is just the way I am, what you see is what you get and, dang it, I just say what I feel at the time."

"No problem." Kate reassured him, "I like to know where I stand, at all times, thanks for the compliment."

"Well." Richard continued, "Like I said, I am new to this socially accepted type of life, not sure what is expected of me, and even what is correct at certain times". "Back home a person usually does as he, or she, pleases and things generally work out for everyone". "I have to learn, when in Rome, etc. etc."

Kate nodded, "I'm sure you'll have no problems here, we have people from all walks of life living in New York". "At times even we have to change somewhat, just to learn from others."

Once again, trying to make him feel more comfortable, she said "I would feel awkward in Arizona or other places that would be new to me too."

After lunch, they stood outside of the restaurant. The rain was letting up. Kate thanked him for the lunch and said she had to leave. She had an appointment in thirty minutes.

He couldn't just let her go, not now. He asked her if she was free for dinner that evening. She wasn't, but she was free the next evening. She gave him her address and phone number, said goodbye and left.

Richard stood there watching her walk away. He felt very pleased with himself. He had a date with the prettiest girl in all of New York! He felt like doing a jig but decided against it.

Rain had stopped completly, fortunately for Richard since Lady Green Eyes and her $3 umbrella were gone. Puddles were everywhere, he wanted so much to jump up and down in them as a child when he was this happy, but the adult in him reminded him of the cost of his shoes, so he did not do so, but the temptation was there. Gene Kelly would have been proud.

With memories fresh in his mind he headed back to the office. Pressure of work would soon replace his recent enjoyments he assured himself. That was not to be, for as hard as the afternoon work tried it could not begin to erase even one slight event from his mind of the period that marked the beginning of a new life for him. Even unknown to Richard his life would never be the same as prior to this morning.

Kate's mind also was determined not to allow anything of current happenings to push even one second of those events out of the forfront of thought. At her scheduled meeting her thoughts would not stay on the conversations around her.

"Kate !, Kate !, loudness of the second name calling brought her back to now.

"Oh!, Iam sorry, ahh, yes, I feel that is true", stammers Kate, in an effort to show that she was paying attention.

"You feel that when I said you were not with us, that was true?", asks a fellow worker.

"Oh!, Iam sorry, but yes I was not paying close attention, I will from now on, please do continue".

"OK, but stay with us this time", curtly Mr.Big Mouth almost shouts.

The next day seemed endless, but finally it was evening and Kate waited anxiously for Richard to arrive. He did. He arrived promptly at 7PM. They went to dinner in a small italian restaurant.

Halfway through dinner, as they were talking quietly to each other, getting to know each other better, two couples walked into the restaurant. All four were dressed in jeans and leather jackets, carrying helmets. Obviously motorcyclists. They were very loud and were shoving each other, and laughing. Everyone in the restaurant was looking at them.

One of them saw Kate and yelled, "Kate baby, good to see you. Watcha doin here?"

As all four of them approached their table, Richard looked at her in amazement. Kate smiled at them, got up from the table and hugged and kissed them. She turned to Richard and introduced her brothers and their girlfriends to him.

They grabbed chairs and sat down to join them. Richard was stunned. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing. The two brothers were tall, both with beards and long hair, both were built like wrestlers. The women were petite but brassy, one with bright red hair, the other a white blonde.

Richard listened to their conversation, not able to say a word. They were teasing Kate about her date. She was laughing at their remarks, but in no uncertain terms, told them to "knock it off".

This was not the woman he met yesterday. That woman was a lady. This one sounded as though she just came off the streets. He was not a prude but he just couldn't cope with this.

After a few minutes they got up to leave. They turned to Richard to say goodbye, and apologized for "butting in". He mumbled a goodbye and nodded.

After they left he turned to Kate and asked, "They're your family?"

She nodded and replied, "Yes, they're my older brothers, I haven't seen them in awhile, it's good to see them again."

She went on to tell him how they belonged to a motorcycle group that usually took long trips on weekends, how she sometimes went with them. She told him how, at one time, over 400 of them took to the highway for a fund raising drive, and how the police redirected traffic to let them through.

Richard kept staring at her. He couldn't comprehend all this. He had never had any contact with motorcyclists, and never wanted to have any contact with them. His lifestyle was so different.

Kate's curious smile brought Richard back to now, away from his thoughts of his surprise at a possible differant style of lady.

"You seem to be questioning something" states Kate.

"Oh!, sorry, it's just that I was not aware of the possiblity that you would know such types".

"Such types?" she quizzes.

"Well I mean, ahh, ahh," He hesitatates, not really knowing what more to say.

"You see something that you do not understand, and right away you are affended by it ?", asks Kate.

"Well, no, not really affended, just surprized." "I mean this is New York, bikers I expected to see, but out there", pointing toward the exit, " not in here, not related to you". he stammers.

The silence was broken by the sound of Kate's chair scraping on the floor as she shoved it backward. She stood up, slammed down her napkin onto the table, headed for the door.

Richard's chin was set in a lowered, locked position. A giant expression of amazement still frozen across his face, as he sat there, unable to move. His left arm rested in place on the table, his right hand still gripping the wine glass. He slowly raised it to his lips, tipped it slightly, and took a long drink.

This picture in his mind stays for what seemed like hours. Only moments have passed. Finally he pushed back his chair and stood. The waitress was standing next to him with the check. he took money out of his wallet, placed it in the tray. He left the restaurant and was about to turn the corner when he noticed Kate standing at the curb.

Richard stood there looking at her. She hadn't noticed him yet. She was looking for a cab. He thought to himself, "She is so pretty and so nice. What an idiot I am! So what if her brothers are bikers! Why did I react so stupidly?"

He walked over to her. "Kate?" he said, looking at her, his eyes pleading. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did. I don't know why I acted that way. I'm not that way really. It just took me by surprise. Please, can we start over again?"

Kate looked at him, anger still in her eyes. "I know you have a different background than mine." She said, "but I would never be intolerant about your lifestyle. I'm glad to say that I respect every culture, and learn from them. I don't think I can say the same about you."

She started to cross the street, but he grabbed her arm. "You're absolutely right! I mean it! Please, let's talk about this." he pleaded.

"Taxi!, Taxi!" called Kate toward an upcomming cab. As the cab approched curbside she turns toward Richard saying, "Iam really to upset at this moment to talk to you about anything, just give me a call in a couple of days and well, we'll see".

She opened the rear door, to step in. As Richard trys to maintain his hold on her arm she pulls it away, still in a fit of anger. Free of his clutching hand she slammed the door and yelled at the driver, "Go!, Go!".

The driver responds quickly as Kate and Richard's possible future life began to fade in the distance of Richard's view, now surrounded by other traffic, street lights, people.

Once again, stunned, Richard is left by himself to ponder why? why?

Kate is also alone, wondering, why? why? At last a man had entered her life that appeared to be the ideal person for her. She had met so many other types of men in her life time that she did not think her dream lover would ever really exist.

Then she smiled slowly to herself. "He really is a nice guy." She thought to herself. "I am very attracted to him, and really, he did apologize, profusely.." If he does call, maybe we can talk it over."

The next day Richard couldn't seem to get any work done. He kept thinking of Kate and what a fool he had been. He had to do something to make it up to her. He thought awhile and then grinned to himself. He knew exactly what to do!

After work he went shopping. When he arrived home, he called Kate and prayed she would answer the phone. After four rings she answered.

"Kate," he said hurredly, "don't hang up, please. It's me Richard. Look, can we get together tonight so we can talk this out? I don't want to break up our friendship over this. Please?".

There was silence on the other end, but finally Kate said she would meet him. Richard was elated! He told her where to meet him and what time.

When she arrived at their meeting place, she was surprised to see him standing in front of a motorcycle store, wearing, of all things, a leather jacket, like her brothers! He smiled at her, took her arm and propelled her into the store. He told her that he rented a motorcycle and helmets for both of them.

"But," she said puzzled, "I didn't think you knew how to ride one?"

"I don't," he said, grinning, "but you said you did. You're going to drive one and I'll be the passenger."

She looked at him, a smile softening her features, and said, "Richard, you don't have to do this."

"I know," said Richard, "but I want to, very much. And maybe, in the future, you can teach me how to ride one."

Kate's attention is pulled away by a beauty, "Would you look at this", quickly, almost running in her excietment.

"Where?, which one", asks Richard.

"Here, this one", words leaping out of her mouth like a 5 year old in a candy shop, "This one".

"Why is that one so great? requests Richard.

"It is Harley's 1998 FXSTS Springer Softail", isn't it beautiful ?" With its unique spring suspension front-end, chrome bullet headlight, wrinkle black and chrome Evolution engine, even you can see why some people call the Springer Softail a work of art, it is, in fact, much more, have you ever seen the Mona Lisa devour a curvy mountain road, or Whistler's Mother leave a couple cars in her dust?".

"WOW, you said that all in one breath, when you get excited you become unglued, fantastic, I enjoy your happiness, you are a peice of art work yourself, little lady", states Richard.

His arms are around her shoulders as he speaks, making it easy for her to almost collapse into them out of exhastion. Together they begin to giggle at their momentary sillyness.

Richard breaks away slowly saying, "What do they mean by "Springer?"

"Oh! that, it is a patented front end suspention system that Harley devoloped years ago, they dropped it for a few years but in 1988 they began again to use it".

"You keep surprsing me at how knowledgeable you are on this subject." he said, shaking his head in amazement.

"There is a lot more knowledge of some things where that came from", assured Kate, "But also a lot of room up there," pointing to her temple, "to place more knowledge. I'm sure I could learn some things from you," she added with a coy smile.

"Does that mean you forgive me for being so stupid?" Richard asked, hopefully. She nodded , "it was really very sweet of you to do this. How can I not forgive you?"

He smiled broadly, "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's see if we can rent this one and go for a ride!"

"Wait," she said. "Why don't we rent it on the weekend? It's dark now and you won't be able to see how I drive it. If you can wait until Saturday, we can take it out for the day and go out into the country."

Richard nodded in agreement. "That does sound better. I'd love that. Let me go and make the arrangements."

While Richard spoke to the salesman, Kate looked at all the bikes, enjoying herself and thinking that he really is a great guy. She was so glad she agreed to meet him tonight.

They left the shop and Richard asked her if she'd like a cup of coffee somewhere. She nodded and they walked over to a little cafe that was half empty. When they sat down, Richard again had to say what a fool he was. She assured him it was okay, she was just glad they worked it out.

After a comfortable silence, Kate said, "Now you know one of the ways I have to relax. How about you? What do you like to do? What are your interests? I'd really like to know."

Richard sets, spinning his spoon on the table like a kid, unable to think of what to say. He has never been comfortable talking about himself, his feelings, never wants to feel self centered enough to care about what people think of him or his ways.

"Oh! I don't know, just stuff I guess", head bent down, still looking at the spoon spinning. "Being out west, well there are always the horses, great outdoors, plenty of room to roam". "Then of course there are the mysterious mountain ranges to get lost in, away from people in general".

"Why would you want to get lost?", asks Kate.

"Well, not really lost, just lost to the rest of the world". "Away, like going away to get back into yourself, deal with your our thoughts, nature has a nurturing effect on a person, alone, depending on yourself for your very existance".

"Give me an example of where you would go, what you would do to really, as you say, "get back into yourself".

"OK, lets go gold panning, we will head into the Bradshaw Mountain range, on horse back, to Wolf creek". "Out of Prescott, Arizona, away from civilization, alone, just us, horse, a pack horse and nature". "Taking Teddy Boy, my 6 year old Pinto with his side kick Roscoe as a pack horse is a good idea since they are the best sure footed animals I know". "It can get clumsy on the mountain sides, what with loose shale, worn rocks, but these two will get us there safely". Plus old Roscoe always did take to females, he'll like you", spoken with a glint of humor in his eye.

"Sounds enjoyable to me" assures Kate.

"Night time we would lay back on our blanket, head resting on the saddle, looking straight up into Mother Nature's full blown sky, trace outlines of the dippers, enjoy the Milky Way, without the chocolate, so many shapes, forms to enjoy, each in their oun way. Perhaps be lucky enough to see a falling star, reach out with our mind, touching with our thoughts the power of creation".

"Yes", says Kate, "I think I could learn somethings from you".

"And I you," offers Richard.

Not aware of it, the two are holding hands, on the table, now both are aware of it and like young teens on a first date begin to pull their hands apart, yet hesitate, glance at each other, slowly returning the hands to their resting grip on each other, smiles of enjoyment creep accross both faces, momentary silence is their friend.

Chapter 2

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