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Febuary 11, 2002:
The sexy side to pie eaters
Men who eat meat pies are adventurous in bed and those who opt for minced beef and onion are great kissers, according to a new study.
The study, commissioned by food firm Holland's, identifies seven key types of personality among Britain's pie eaters.
Men who prefer meat pies are said to be super masculine and physically adventurous but meat and potato man is said to have a "lot more sensitivity".
The minced beef and onion fan is described as "quietly confident, a great kisser and believes variety is the spice of life".
Steak and kidney pie man loves the great outdoors and large helpings while those who plump for steak and kidney pudding enjoy fantasies.
Cheese and onion pie eaters are said to be "slightly snobby" and favour the high life, disliking crude partners and preferring to wash down the savoury snack with champagne.
The chicken and mushroom fan is described as "earthy, sensual passionate and loves energetic sex followed by a massage".
Psychologist Donna Dawson interviewed 200 people before coming up with the categories, which apply to both men and women.
A spokesman for Holland's said: "All these characters are our customers and they eat more than 75 million of our pies each year."

Febuary 9,10, 2002:
Council bans covered erections in public
A town council in Pennsylvania has banned men from having erections in public.
Councillors in Locust Township unanimously passed the move which also bans public nudity.
The maximum penalty for breaking the law is a £220 fine and three months in jail.
The town's lawyer says "normal occurrences" won't be prosecuted but if someone brought attention to the erection, authorities would act, local daily newspaper the Press Enterprise reports.
Lawyer Todd Kerstetter said: "We're not going to have a problem with a guy walking down the street and the police chief pulling him over for it.
"This is not meant to be a tricky term, or give our police officers difficulty in enforcing the law."
He added: "The supervisors are taking a proactive approach to protect the health, safety and morals of the community."

Febuary 8, 2002:
Father recognises daughter's 'voice and bum' in porn film
A man has banned his daughter from the family home after he saw her in a porn film.
The unnamed Italian said he recognised her voice and bum.
The film's director said her fiance had also complained about her part in the film which was shot with amateur actors in the cities of Ferrara and Modena.
Tgcom website reports director Alex Asmara said: "I had a phone call from the girl's fiance who wasn't very happy about seeing her acting in the film.
"But I never thought her family would have locked her out of their house, and I'm really sorry for that."

Febuary 7, 2002:
Oral sex makes pregnancies safer and more successful - study
New research suggests oral sex may not only help a woman conceive but may make her pregnancy safer and more successful.
The Australian study found that semen contains a growth factor which helps persuade a mother's immune system to accept sperm.
It claims to have found evidence that regular exposure before pregnancy, especially by mouth, helps her immune system get used to her partner's sperm.
Disorders during pregnancy often stem from the battle between the immune system and the foetus as a 'foreign body'.
Many of its 'foreign' proteins come courtesy of the father's genes so if the mother is regularly exposed to them her body is more likely to accept them.
Professor Gustaaf Dekker, from the University of Adelaide, said: "If there's repeated exposure to that signal then eventually when the woman conceives, her cells will say, 'we know that guy, he's been around a long time, we'll allow the pregnancy to continue."
New Scientist reports that Professor Dekker compared 41 pregnant women with pre-eclampsia, a condition where the mother's blood pressure soars during pregnancy, and 44 without.
He found 82% of those without the condition practised fellatio - only 44% of those with it did.
He says the protective effect was strongest if the woman swallowed the semen.
Now, when advising couples who have difficulty carrying pregnancies to full term, he says: "I tell them, 'semen exposure's good, and you could think of oral sex'."

Febuary 6, 2002:
Volunteers wanted for public sex at trade exhibition
An Australian sex trade exhibition is calling on volunteers to have sex in public.
Viewers will hear and see couples have sex, but will only see shadow images projected onto a screen. Sex in public is illegal in Australia.
Organisers of the Brisbane Sexpo are confident they will get recruits.
The event will be held in a theatre providing a forum for up to 4,000 visitors to watch the couple's 'display'.
"I liken it to the fact voyeurism sites are the most popular of all sites on the internet," said the event founder David Ross.
"People like to watch and be watched ... as long as it's done in a non-tacky way. It's probably a logical progression for our event."
Mr Ross first saw the idea while on an Amsterdam study tour, and said people who opposed the idea were probably denying their sexuality.
"They really should come along themselves," Mr Ross said. "People pay to come in. One would assume people know they're not going to a flower show."
The act may also be recorded and broadcast on a big screen and on the internet.
Sexpo runs from February 28 to March 3 to provide information on health, adult entertainment, sexuality and adult lifestyles.

Febuary 5, 2002:
Judge rules women can jog naked in Maine
A judge in Maine has ruled that women can jog naked in public.
Two students at the University of Maine were charged with indecency after their naked run on November 2.
The law says an offence is committed only if the genitals are knowingly exposed in public. The judge said women's genitals are primarily internal.
Debra Ballou of Island Falls and Kathryn Mann, of Fayetteville, New York conducted their own defence.
They asked only one question of the only prosecution witness - the police officer who arrested them.
Ms Ballou, 20, asked officer John Ewing whether he saw her genitals during the incident.
"Not that I recall," he replied.
"That's all I have," Ms Ballou told the court.
After he made his ruling, Judge Jesse Gunther, of the 3rd District Court in Bangor added: "I would assume the legislature will probably be addressing this issue."

Febuary 4, 2002:
Schools offer sex education courses for 'inexperienced' parents
Thai schools are offering sex education courses for 'inexperienced' parents.
The country's Public Health Ministry is organising the one-day courses in Bangkok.
Officials say many children are turning to pornographic videos, magazines and the internet for information because their parents don't know enough.
Public Health Minister, Sudarat Keyuraphan, says recent research has found 17% of parents know little about issues such as abortion, safe sex and HIV.
She told the Bangkok Post: "Parents today lack information and experiences to teach their children."
She says too many parents rely on schools to teach their children about sex.
The courses start at secondary schools in 50 Bangkok districts next month. The project will be extended to all schools in Thailand within two years.

Febuary 1,2,3 2002:
Air turns blue over raunchy calendar featuring naked cops
An investigation has been launched after 17 Austrian policemen stripped for a calendar.
They say they were tricked into posing for Explosive-Cops 2002 with scantily-clad women.
But the businessman behind the scheme claims he had permission from the Interior Ministry, which insists it never gave its approval. He's been told to stop selling the calendar but plans to challenge the ruling.
The general director for public security, Erik Buxbaum, has also been drafted in to investigate.
The calendar shows the policemen in underwear, combat gear or naked. Some of the models are wearing handcuffs and others have knives.
Ten of the officers from Graz have already been reprimanded and banned from attending special training courses. They claim they were duped into taking part in the photo shoot and called in a lawyer to try and keep the calendar under wraps when it was released in December.
Businessman Josef Steinhuber says he had produced 350,000 copies as a public relations exercise for the police.
The Superintendent in Graz initially refused to support the scheme so Mr Steinhuber went to the Interior Ministry which is responsible for police matters. When Mr Steinhuber said the Interior Ministry thought it was a good idea, the Superintendent gave his blessing and even provided a sports hall, the use of weapons and other accessories.
But Robert Sturm, from the ministry, said: "This whole thing is not our cup of tea. The seriousness of the law and order forces is undermined in this way."
Graz police director Franz Stingl said. "I think my colleagues were tricked."

December 2001/January 2002 News

This month we are going to have
Two pictures because well we just felt like it


Funny Test TRY IT!!! -The Smartest Place to Buy and Sell Books

 New Releases
ESPN Winter X Games Snowboarding (PS2)

Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front (PS2)

NBA 2K2 (PS2)

NBA Courtside 2002 (GC)

Rez (PS2)


 Coming Soon
Nightcaster (Xbox)

GoDai: Elemental Force (PS2)

Parappa the Rapper 2 (PS2)

MotoGP 2 (PS2)

Dark Arena (GBA)


 On the Horizon
Grandia II (PS2)

Tekken Advance (GBA)

Drakan: The Ancients' Gates (PS2)

ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 (PS2)

Airblade (PS2)


Which One Is The Best?

There will be streaming video for everyone to see how the day goes by with out actually being there. They consist of bloopers, Funny Interviews, Comedy, and just random shit.

Some things will be added for all to hear.

There will be candid shots of just anything and anyone making some funny faces, Picking there nose, Picking there butt, and Ect.

You Will Hear All types of shit like work stories, Daily stories, Sex Stories, And All types of shit so stay tuned.

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