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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Campaign Wedgie
Enough politics for today, let me give you a story about politics. This one is hilarious. We were having our 7th grade election assembly and the kids who were running were all giving speeches. A kid named Brian (a real little snot) was giving his speech about why he should be treasurer and his opponent, Steve got up at the end of the speech and came to the podium and into the spotlight and took Brian's hand, but instead of shaking it like he was supposed to do, he spun him around and gave him a wedgie. It didn't last long put the whole auditorium went nuts. The principal grabbed Steve and took him to his office. As soon as Brian was free, he ran behind the stage curtain; some teachers followed to see if he was OK. And we were all told to go back to class and hustled out. Steve got suspended for about a week and has taken out of the running, so Brian won uncontested. For a month after the assembly everyone teased Brian because of the incident and the fact that he had been wearing red briefs (a big mistake in American schools circa 1992). This led to another wedgie that I'll tell you about another time.

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