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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

A Good Wedgie Gone Bad
At one camp that I went too, I was constantly able to wake up early in the morning, and since my friends did not have watches, or alarm clocks, I soon became the group's alarm clock, who would wake up people on their request. Anyway, one evening, a certain person whom I had been dying to wedgie asked that I wake him up at 6:30 the next morning. I knew this might be my only chance to catch this kid by surprise(as he could probably pound me to the ground), so I agreed. Well, 6:30 came, and I went over to his tent to find him in the perfect position for a wedgie. I crawled into the back of the tent and stood beside him, trying to stay as quiet as I could so that he would not wake up. I grabbed his elastic, and saw his head jerk up reallllly fast. Out of surprise I cried "WHOA" and pulled as quickly as I could. However, I was too Late, he had already risen up and I felt my body being flung to the other side of the tent. I landed on a person relatively new to our group, who obviously woke up right away. Since there was someone else awake, I was lucky, the kid who I had just unsuccessfully wedgied only pounds people in private, so I was saved. He has yet to get me back, so I assume he's forgotten about it.

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