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Blood and Bone

This site was updated last on January 26, 2001

An eighteen-year-old boy lies dying of leukemia. Kyle’s only hope is a bone marrow transplant, but no one in his wealthy Virginia family can safely supply it. His last chance lies in finding his father, a man who disappeared before he was born. Police and private investigators can find nothing on a trail eighteen years cold.

Kyle’s family has nowhere to turn until they learn of a certain troubleshooter, a self-styled knight errant in dark glasses named Hannibal Jones. He has two weeks to find the missing man, but his search turns up much more: A woman who might be Kyle’s illegitimate sister, the woman who could be her mother, and the man who may have killed Kyle’s father.

Hannibal follows a twisting, winding path of deception, conspiracy and greed, from Washington to Mexico, pursuing the truth. But with each step closer to it he gets, the danger grows.

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