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Just for You bin Laden!

Hey bin Laden... all across America, we got a message for you!!


Greetings from Charlotte Motor Speedway!

Greetings from baseball fans all across America!

Greetings from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania!

Greetings from Chicago, Illinois!

Greetings from Northern California!

Greetings from Grand Canyon, Arizona!

Greetings from Washington State!

Greetings from Hollywood, California!

Greetings from Hawaii!

Greetings from Kurt Peer of Leander, Texas!

Greetings from Da Beav of Columbus, Ohio!

Greetings from Mookie of Columbus, Ohio!

Greetings from Tommy Moore of Austin, Texas!

Greetings from Curtis Miller of Austin, Texas!

Greetings from Montana!

Getting the message yet Osama?

How about now?

We hate ya Osama!

We treat our women with respect, ya fool!

We're coming after ya Osama!

Unlike the Taliban, Americans have a sense of humor!

You can run, but ya can't hide!! We got the best fighter pilots in the world!

This one comes with greetings from our friends and family on the other side of the sea in England!

This look familiar? We got plenty of these over there hunting ya down, and we WILL find YOUR SORRY ASS!

And finally, Osama, greetings from our loved ones at the World Trade Center in New York City!

Hey bin Laden, now that you've had a look at these, how about kissing ALL of our asses!

Created October 31, 2001 by J. Mark Beavers and Christopher B. Harto
Last updated Sunday November 26, 2001

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