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Beer Review: Kaiser Bier

Light in both color and body, this brew was smooth, with no fruitiness, hoppiness, or 'bite'. There was, though, a little something at the end. Perhaps almost a little sweetness to it? A decent lager. -- Brewmeister G

The Brewer? Hofbrau Kaltenhausen (Brau Union AG) - - - - - - - When tasted? 31 August 2002
Place of Origin? Hallein, Austria - - - - - - - How tasted? 1 pt 0.9 fl oz can
Style of Beer? Pilsener - - - - - - - Where tasted? At Biermeister Rudolph's home

Links for this beer:

Brau Union International's page for Kaiser Bier
Hofbrau Kaltenhausen (Brau Union AG)(Edelweissbier)'s Home Page

For more information about the SBR, please contact Brewmeister G. All fermented contributions are cheerfully accepted.

Layout, design, & revisions © 2001, Brewmeister G
Revised -- 22 November 2002