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Beer Review: Crooked River Yuletide Ale

Knowing a person or two from the Cleveland area, I thought it'd be a hoot to try a brew from their neck of the woods. This beer certainly was an interesting choice, I must say. Dark in color, with a medium-to-heavy body, this beer lacked a crisp or hoppy taste. It was, however, spicy -- as I believe a winter seasonal should be. This brew, however, surprised me in the way that it was spicy -- it was almost like eating homemade gingerbread (but in a liquid form, of course)! Very different, I must say! Crooked River's Yuletide Ale is rather a thick, spicy beer -- even the glass seemed heavier than usual when holding this beer inside! This was an interesting diversion from the non-gingerbread-y spicy winter offerings and was an okay beer. -- Brewmeister G

The Brewer? Crooked River Brewing Company - - - - - - - When tasted? 11 January 2002
Place of Origin? Cleveland, Ohio - - - - - - - How tasted? 12 oz bottle
Style of Beer? Ale - - - - - - - Where tasted? At Brewmeister G's Home

Links for this beer:

Crooked River's Home Page

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Layout, design, & revisions © 2001, Brewmeister G
Revised -- 27 November 2002