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Beer Review: Amstel Light

According to's brief treatise on "America's #1 light beer," Amstel Light is a subsidiary of the Heineken company and is named after the river Amstel (hardly golden crisp cascades of holy hops, purifying the red light district, but it's a start). Although Bavarian in nature, Amstel Light seems to be a likely contender as a favored (and flavored) American favorite -- a prolonged quest to find Heineken without the subtle rust-like aftertaste that often creeps back to the roof of your mouth after a few green goblins. So in finding an unAmerican American light favorite, the subtle wash that late weekends are made of, I picked that amber colored bottle that beckoned me for far too long on glossy yuppie inlays and the right side of the Safeway beer isle.

So how about Heinie's little sister? I would agree with in that it is indeed refreshing. I think it's pleasant and can compare to a light Canadian beer, or perhaps an amalgamation of a light Japanese filtered beer and Spaten Lager. It's even a bit dry for a lager. I confess, I'm not a light beer fan, but Amstel light in the yang to the dark yin of Bavarian brew. I recommend Amstel Light as what you choose over a Bud Light while standing in the grass barefoot, unless of course you're in a trailer park, while meandering through crowds in a county fair, or enjoying a good conversation in a well-lit corner. -- Dopplebock

The Brewer? Heineken - - - - - - - When tasted? pre-16 July 2001
Place of Origin? Hertogenbosch, Netherlands - - - - - - - How tasted? (unknown)
Style of Beer? Lager - - - - - - - Where tasted? (unknown)

Light in color (very), this lager also had a light body and a crisp taste. No hops, no bite, just a sharp, solid body -- surprising in a brew this light! This was a nice, lighter beer. -- Brewmeister G

The Brewer? Heineken - - - - - - - When tasted? 03 January 2002
Place of Origin? Hertogenbosch, Netherlands - - - - - - - How tasted? 12 oz bottle
Style of Beer? Lager - - - - - - - Where tasted? At Brewmeister G's Home

Links for this beer:

Amstel Light's page for Amstel Light (yes, this is correct...)
Amstel Light's Home Page
Amstel's Home Page
Heineken's Home Page

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Layout, design, & revisions © 2001, Brewmeister G
Revised -- 23 November 2002