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The Meaning of the Narcissus to Alpha Sigma Alpha


In Greek Mythology, Narcissus was the son of a river God.

He was known for his great beauty and for the many women

who had lost their hearts to him.

One of the women was a nymph named Echo, but he refused her love.

Since he rejected Echo, a goddess punished Narcissus with the curse of

“may he fall in love and not be able to have what he loves.”

Later, Narcissus stopped to drink at a reflection pool.

In the pool, he saw the most beautiful person he’s ever seen in his life.

Instantly, he was in love.

Up until this point, Narcissus had never seen his own reflection.

He never saw himself as others did. He refused to leave the pool and the image he loved.

He later realized that the reflection in the pool was himself and he understood that

What he longed for he already had.

But it was too late, for Narcissus was near death.

When he died, his body was transformed into a beautiful flower--the narcissus.

Narcissus was transformed from a hard individual to a beautiful, flexible flower after discovering his true self in the reflection pool.

Narcissus’ love of self came only when he had a new identity through the reflection pool.

This love enhanced his self-knowledge and potential for personal growth.

For Alpha Sigma Alphas, then, the narcissus represents

the discovery and growth that is possible through lifetime membership.

The narcissus reminds us that self-confidence comes from self-knowledge

And that the ability to reach a higher potential is possible through personal transformation.


Sisterhood is the essence of all the wisdom of the ages, distilled into a single word. You cannot see sisterhood, neither can you hear it nor taste it. But you can feel it a hundred times a day. It is a pat on the back, a smile of encouragement. It's someone to share with, to celebrate your achievements.


What is a sister? She is your mirror shining back at you with a world of possibilities.  She is your witness who sees you at your worst and best and loves you anyway.  She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink.



To have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or confidante-it is to have a soul mate for life.

~Victoria Secunda

Having a sister means having one of the most beautiful and unique of human relationships.

~Robert Strand


"You are a member of a strong sorority,
one that ranks with the best in the country.
Live it, talk it, dream it, work for it.
In no other way can you so effectively convince
others of its beauty, its greatness and its power."
The Phoenix, 1916


The Oyster

Most of us can afford to take a lesson from the oyster. 

The most extraordinary thing about the oyster is this--irritation gets into its shell. 

It does not like it. It tries to get rid of it. But when it can’t get rid of the irritation, 

it settles down to make of it one of the most beautiful things in the world. 

It uses the irritation to do the loveliest thing that an oyster ever has a chance to do. 

If there are irritations in our lives today, there is only one prescription: 

Make a pearl. 

It may have to be a pearl of patience, but make a pearl. 

It takes love and faith to do it.


Sorority Soliloquy

I’ve heard it said a sorority
Is a waste of time; but I know better…
For I have seen the love and walked
In the splendor of sisterhood…
I’ve heard it said that a sorority
Is sad; I can’t agree…
I’ve heard it said that a sorority
Is a dull, selfish place; It can’t be true…
I’ve seen the affection, watched it
Fill my heart, the very air…
And I have learned the Creed
Polished and spotless from end to end
And I’ve watched the sorority’s
Devotion drape each and every active
And pledge to look like nature’s
Freshly-granted love nourished for growth…
I’ve heard it said that a sorority is
Harmful, but they are wrong…
For I know my sisters…watched them
Strive to save a cause, spend of themselves…
And I’ve watched them hope, dream,
And aspire, side by side…
I’ve heard them say these things,
But I would disagree…
Because for every shadow I have
Seen a hundred rays of light…
For every plaintive note I’ve
Heard the symphony of joy…
For every penny-weight of bad,
I’ve found a ton of good…
Good in nature, in people, in my sorority…
I’m thankful I belong.


Hymn to Alpha Sigma Alpha

To Alpha Sigma Alpha dear,
We sing to thee this hymn sincere,
We pledge our loyalty to strive always,
To seek, aspire, attain.
Again we pledge our vows to be,
The highest as inspired by thee,
We bow our hearts in humble awe to thee,
Our own sorority.


Grace Before Meat

For thy many blessings,
Health and strength and food,
Sisterhood and friendship,
Take our gratitude.
May love’s spirit guide us,
Make each duty plain,
Help us to the highest,
Seek, Aspire, Attain.


Being Sisters Means

Being sisters means sharing a lot of things throughout life... Being sisters means knowing certain things about each other and feeling special feelings for one another. It is a relationship we have seen change with time, and yet, in many ways, it remains the same. I know there have been times when being sisters wasn't easy, because our differences pulled us in new directions. But we always knew that we cared about one another. That's the beautiful part of being sisters . Even though life is full of changes, we will always have each other, and we will always share a special bond of love. - Laura Medley



I am your ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA sister.
I have not come into your life to change your goals,
but rather to help you meet them.
Nor have I come to discourage your dreams,
but rather to see them made real.
I have not come into your life to steal aloneness,
but rather to take away loneliness.
Nor have I come to change you,
but rather to discover who you are.
I have not come into your life to detain you,
but rather to walk along with you.
Nor have I come to win your love,
but rather to share some of mine.
I am your ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA sister.