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Applications & Technologies
Lac Operon Questions


    Lac Operon Review Questions:

1.  Which one of the following is NOT a component of bacterial chromosomes?
          a.  double-helical DNA
          b.  Promoter
          c.  Regulator
          d.  Inducer
          e.  All of the above are components of bacterial chromosomes.

     2.  Who was responsible for identifying the lac operon?
          a.  Watson and Crick
          b.  Rosalind Franklin
          c.  Meselson and Stahl
          d.  Jacob and Manod
          e.  Erwin Chargaff

For questions 3-10, refer to the choices below.
          a.  Repressor
          b.  Inducer
          c.  Promoter
          d.  Regulator
          e.  Operator
          f.   All of the Above
          g.  None of the Above

     3.  Lactose
     4.  Where RNA Polymerase attaches
     5.  Binds to Operator
     6.  Produces Repressor
     7.  Where Inducer Binds
     8.  Code for proteins
     9.  Found adjacent to Promoter
     10.  Found anywhere on operon

To check your responses, go to the Operon Answers page.

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