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This site is all about my favorite games and my favorite anime Dragon Ball. Updates will be random because of my gay computer so alow me time to update. Most of the games on here will be RPG's because that's the type game I really like to play. If you have a game you want to know alot more about E-Mail me at the address at the bottem of your screen. This site is not going to have a lot of info on Dragon Ball and on certain games but it will have bassic info and if you have questions I will be sure answer them the best I can. Well I hope you enjoy the site and come back often. Later!

5/29/2002 You now can find out how to get the Rainbow for Crono on the Crono Trigger section.

5/13/2002 Well it has been awile since the last update, but I did it. I put down most of how to get the Rainbow in Chrono Trigger. enjoy!

11/29/2001 I know that this is a very late update but with school it is hard to get around to it. But I hope I can update a bit more often now but don't count on it. Well I just put up the Megaman X section and I think you are going to like it. It's a bit different the the last one so enjoy!

10/9/2001: The Fanart section is up and I want more then just Dragon Ball pics so send some in. Later.

9/29/2001: I just but up the banner and a few minor thigs to make the site a lot better. Well enjoy.

9/21/2001: Dragon Ball Z movie up and more on Chrono Trigger.

9/20/2001: Well I hooked up the Chrono Trigger section. So go check it out.

9/13/2001: Today I put up the forth movie of Dragon Ball and thats been it. Oh I also am not going to make a big deal about what happened around here on

9/11/2001: because you get enough of that all over the tube. So thats all I am going to say about that well later.

8/30/2001: The updates will be spread out a bit because now I have to go to school, well on the fact of what I updated I put up the DBZ sagas, Video Game section, and the Chrono Trigger section. Well thats been it so later.

8/25/2001: Sorry that the updates have been slow, but I finished a review on a Dragon Ball movie. Well Thats been it so later.

8/5/2001: The Dragon Ball sction is up like I said it would be. Well other then that nothing new so enjoy whats there.

8/4/2001: Good the main page is up with a banner. I know it sucks but I needed something to look at on this page. I'm going to put in a Dragon Ball section first because the JAPAN show kicks ass. Well this should be in about a a day or so. Well enjoy the banner and come back to look at the rest of the page when its done. Until then happy looking and God bless.

8/3/2001: Today I started the page. Its not much to look at but it will get better. All I did was write the top part. Later!

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Dragon Ball
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