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Vegitto’s Domain

Text Box: 20 July 2001 / update and plea for staff / Goku: -
I wasn’t able to make a update yesterday as the server was down, now im making a giant plea for webmasters who can join my staff as I need big help making this site and if anyone is interested and can make a contribution to the site email me soon. I’m planning a new layout for this site as this one sucks, also im gonna be putting up a part of this site for fans so if anyone has any fanifics or fanpics send them to me and ill put them up. Anyone who can help me contact me quick.

18 July 2001 / update / Goku: - 
I’ve uploaded the entire Dragonball series and I’ve made a Dragonball z timeline which I think you should check out but I still have a lot to do and I cant do it all myself so im asking for some staff. If you’re interested email me. I’m also looking for affiliates so email me for that too. For now sayonara 

17 July 2001 / welcome / Goku: – 
Welcome To Vegitto’s Domain, which will be the ultimate site for Dragonball/Z/GT. Over the Coming months I, Goku, will be making regular updates to the site with a little help from my friends.
Enjoy the site and email me if you want more stuff put up on it at           
Until next time this is Goku Signing Off.