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.::Welcome To VsR ::.

2 more affs Posted On 6/22/01 By:Vegetto
Hey, We got some more, Predator's DBZ, and Brolly's Temple, Sweet sites..Later..
2 more affs Posted On 6/20/01 By:Vegetto
Hey, We got 2 new more affiliates today, Vegetto's Revenge, and Saiyan Power. Go check them out. Later
2 affs Posted On 6/20/01 By:Vegetto
Hey, We got 2 new affiliates today, Vegeta's DBZ Shrine, and Gohan's Reign. Go check them out. Also, I might be makin a new site soon. G2g
B-Day Posted On 6/19/01 By:Vegetto
Hey All, guess what? Today is my birthday, and my mom just got us a new computer thats really fast so this will help a lot 1 Now I can start updating again so that will be good. I'm going to start by adding a bunch 0of images, and after the image section is done, im going to start on the clips! Then finally i'll put some gifs up. Since our computer is fast now, I can probably download art programs, and start making banners, and buttons for you people! Well..Later
Modem Probs Posted On 6/12/01 By:Vegetto
So Sorry..We're going to get a new modem soon to see if that will fix it..In the mean time, keep on voting, because when my computer starts working im gonna add full episodes..Later
No Updates? Posted On 6/08/01 By:Vegetto
Sorry Guys, my computer hasn't been working so I might not update for a little bit until we get it fixed..Later..
No Gateway! Posted On 6/06/01 By:Vegetto
Hey, notice something new? No voting gateway, I got some requests on taking it down so if figured you guys are nice enough to vote for me..Oh, and we have a new affiliate, Gohan's Reign, go check them out. We need some top affiliates, and i'm working on a network. Well, Later!
Images Posted On 6/04/01 By:Vegetto
Hey, I've uploaded 18 images to our gallery, 9 goku, and 9 vegetto. I'll add then in the section tomorrow. We've also entered a new topsite, Da'x Anime Topsite. Well, I'm tired, i'm going to go to bed..C-Ya!
Another Banner Posted On 6/03/01 By:Vegetto
We now have a much nicer top banner..Do you guys like it? DragonBallPower made it for me. Great designs. I've also added the credits page to thank the people who've helped this site. Well Later
New Affiliate! Posted On 5/31/01 By:Vegetto
New Affiliate, Majin Vegita, you like? Pretty good site with an awesome layout..He didn't have the hit requiremnt to affiliate, but exceptions can be made..I let him affiliate, because of the sweet layout he has..Also joined a new topsite..not many members really..but oh well..I really need more members myself in my topsite..Go join peeps..We need a host, and some hostees, but I guess this stuff takes a while..Oh well, anyone heard about some new dbz games coming out on PSX and PSX2? Probably a lie..Well Later All.
New Top Banner Posted On 5/30/01 By:Vegetto
Hey, New Top Banner..It's not that good, but I've been really busy, and don't have the time to make a good one..We have two new affiliates, and I have a new button for my topsite..Sorry for the lack of updates..We're doing great in ranks, thanks for the votes everyone!
New Layout Posted On 5/14/01 By:Vegetto
Hey All..New Layout..You like it? Saiyan Extreme made it, you'll see their site under Layout By..We..change that.. I need more staff, because both of my staff members quit..We could also use some more affiliates too..The layout is almost finished, and most of the sections are up..We're probably gonna change our Affiliate requirements to at least 5,000 unique hits, and get at least 150+ hits a day..We're probably gonna sign up in today..Well..Later..

.::Top Affiliates::.

.:: Mid Affiliates::.

KenuSS4 «
DBZFusion «
Majin Madness «
Gohan's Reign «
Fusenko «
Saiyan Virtue «


Web-Gods « «
