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Become an affiliate


Your site has to be an Anime related site (DBZ/Gundam/Chrono Trigger.....).
You must have 400+(unique) hits daily, THIS IS A MUST(if u get 300 or so, u can try..)BTW u also need a tracker to prove it..
Your site must have a nice layout.
Your site has to be equal or better than our site!!
Your site can not be an adult(Hentai) site.
You have to vote once a week for our site at the anime top 100 ^_^.
You must have on every page, a link from your site to our site, on our site we´ll also put on every page a link to your site.
And you have to be a nice webmaster :)
If your site doesn´t come along with this requirments, we won´t even mail u back, so don´t waist our, and your time on it.....

Títle of the Site


Banner URL (optional)

Size 88 X 31





If you fill in this form, you DON´T have to mail us, cuz this is directly send to our mail.....
We will let you know a.s.a.p., when you have became an affiliate.