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Time taken to learn moves are in parenthesis (), and ki used is told in brackets before the name of the move.

Level 1 Moves (PL 500+)

(5%) Kamehameha-A concentrated blast of ki. (1 week)

(20%) Special Beam Cannon-A focused beam of electricity. (2 weeks)

(5%) Kaiko-An invisible attack of ki that is unavoidable. (2 weeks)

(10%) Power Ram-Cover yourself in ki and then ram yourself into an opponent. (3 weeks)

(5% first, 10% second, 15% third) Energy Blast-An attack of ki energy that can be repeated through up to three turns, each turn inflicting more damage. (1 month)

(15%) Masenko-Focusing a blast of ki and then launching it. (1 month)

(5%) Dynamite Kick-A powered up jump-kick. (1 week)

(10% or 20%) Ki Beam-The basic blast of ki shot out of the hand. A single blast may be shot from one hand, or two blasts from both hands. Also a single shot can be fired at two different opponents. (2 weeks)

(0%) Bukujutsu-Not so much a move as it is an ability. This allows the person who has it to fly by surrounding themselves in ki energy and increases their speed by 10% of its base. (1 week)

Level 2 Moves (PL 5000+)

(15%) Renzoku-Firing several ki blasts from your hands. (2 weeks)

(10%) Ki Shield-A defense able to disperse any ki-based attack below 25% ki used, and reducing any attack over that amount to 1/2 power. (3 weeks)

(25%) Death Ball-An extremely powerful ball of ki. (3 weeks)

(20%) Healing-You gain back 25% of your health.(1 month)

(15%) Triple kick attack-You surround yourself in ki energy and then attack your oppenent viciously 3 times.(2 weeks)

(30%) Soukidan-A homing fireball that cannot miss unless deflected or blocked. (1 month, 1 week)

(15%) Moon Simulator-A move that simulates moon-light exactly, allowing Saiyans to turn Oozaru, even when it is not a full moon, they must have their tail to do this though. Plus, the throwing of the simulator takes a turn, and so does actually turning into Oozaru or SSJ4.(1 month)

(0%) Stat Equalizer-The ability to, once every month, balance your three basic stats equally to avoid any gross differences between the stats that would grow over time. (1 month, 2 weeks)

(0%) Zanzoken-The ability to move fast enough to leave an after image, creating a sort of blur affect. This adds 20% to your base speed, and coupled with Bukujutsu, can make you extremely fast. (1 month)

(35%) Big Bang Kamehameha-An extremely well concentrated blast of ki. (1 week)

(15%-35%) Destructo Disc multiplication-After firing a destructo disc, you can multiply it to 5 destructo discs, at the cost of 5% per extra disc. You must have learnt Destructo Disc from Master Roshi in order to do this move. (2 weeks)

Level 3 Moves (PL 50,000+)

(35%) Galic Gun-A huge energy blast like Kamehameha. (3 weeks)

(30%) Syougekiha-Unlocks your hidden power, increases all stats by 15% but can only be used once in a battle.(1 month)

(40%) Dondopa-A huge blast of ki that comes from the planets core. (1 month, 1 week)

(35%) Energy Wave-A wave of focused ki energy that drains opponent of any remaining ki, has a 25% chance of working. (1 month, 2 weeks)

(50%) Big Bang-A variation of the spirit bomb in that it only attracts energy from the sun or moon. (1 month, 2 weeks)

(45%) Power Bomb-A humongous blast of ki that is focused above your head then hit towards your opponent like a volleyball. (1 month, 1 week)

(35%) Saiko No Kogeki-A ki blast shot from the mouth. (1 month)

(0%) Fusion Dance-Much like the fusion earrings (see items section), except that it can only be used during a fight, and once the fight is over, the two players return to normal.

(25%) Death Blossom-One of the few moves that can hit multiple people. Originally fired as one large burst, it can split into anywhere between two to five blasts. For each blast that spreads out the ki used in each is halved. (3 weeks)
