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Cells Dimension

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Fan Art
Voting Polls
Music Videos
Movie Clips
Character Bios
Series Summaries
Movie Summaries
Family Tree
Power Levels
Movie Covers

Trunks 1/20/01 @ 11:37pm
This is Trunks hey I just got done putting up some character bio's and I put a new pick on the entrance page hope you liked it. Sorry it has been so long since someone updated the site we just haven't had much time. Also Cell has been working on the site to so go and check out the movie covers he put up on the site they look sweet. ~TRuNkS~

Cell 1/7/01 @ 4:45pm
I just put up 3 more clips on the movie clips section. So i have 6 Dragonball clips, 1 Dragonball Z clip, and 1 Dragonball GT clip. The Dragonball clips are mostly comedy and little action, but if you want action Dragonball Z and GT is the clips to see. I must suggest that you download the Dragonball clips. There pretty funny.

Cell 1/5/01 @ 6:35pm
I know it has been a while since i updated the site but i have been busy latly. I play alot of paintball and i was helping a friend build a paintball course. Well enough about me, I put up the contact page and I also put up the video clips section up. I only have a few but they are worth the download. As you may have aleady known, I have recruited a new person to help out on the page "webmaster trunks." Which he is in charge of all the information. Visit back tomarrow and i will have a couple new video clips. If you wish to contact Trunks or me (Cell), go to the contact page.

Trunks 1/5/01 @ 3:42pm
Hey this is the other webmaster Trunks. I was recruited by Cell to just do message updates and upload images and sounds for all your DBZ listening pleasure. Well this is the first update for 2001. I will be doing some updates to the site to and Cell is begining to work on most of the links now.

Cell 12/29/00 @ 5:35pm
Welcome back to "The Saiyans Wrath." The site is going well for the secound day of working on it. I got 2 more sections posted up on my sit. The "Movie Covers" section and the "Fan Art" section. I would really appreciate it if you would send me in some pics for my "Fan Art" section. It doesn't have to be the best picture, ill post it on this site. Make sure to e-mail me the picture with your name and tell me where you are from. Vist back tommorow and i will have the "Games" section up and also some of the "Charactor Bios" section if not all.

Cell 12/28/00 @ 6:35pm
Hi and welcome to "The Saiyans Wrath." You can call me Cell. I am hopeing this site is going to be big. I will have music video, charactor bios, movie clips, roms and emulators, movies and series summaries, time lines, familys trees, sagas, power levels, movie covers, wallpapers, pictures, screen shots, gifs, and humor. I will try to update this site every day i have a chance. I am hopping to make this site one of the very best Dragonball Z sites ever.

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