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Contact Info:
e-mail: Tim Lin
AIM: TiMz thA NaMe
Xanga: vanguardxv
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    News Updates:

Sept 22, 2003 Song of the moment: Babyface - Nobody Knows It But Me. I love this song.
Sept. 17, 2003 Song of the day: Babyface - What If?. That and the Baby Elephant Walk, two very related songs. Pictures section is still on the queue.
Sept. 14, 2003 I'll slowly put the lyrics of my webpage back up... one by one. Getting another one up today! =D (sorry if they aren't new lyrics. I like my old stuffz)
Boyz II Men - 4 Seasons of Loneliness
Sept. 11, 2003 The magic of templates.
Sept. 7, 2003 HW up the wazoo... I'm not sure I'm enjoying this. Working on pictures section still. I'll throw another page of lyrics for a song up here today. By the way, this is a brilliant webpage. It explains female/male attraction in a nutshell.It's called " The Ladder Theory".
Sept. 6, 2003 Finished Old News and links section. Working on pictures and lyrics section.

Welcome to my simple webpage. Here one can learn about me, hear my ranting, browse my pictures, lyrics, maybe even quotes. Just be sure you read the disclaimer before you browse the rest of the site (It just basically states that I'm infallible and anything that makes you unhappy is your own fault!) . Definitely check out my homies at The Skokie SpeedStars!!! The home of the Niles North Township boys. With all that being said, thank you and come again.

Copyright © 2000-2003 Timothy R. Lin. All Rights Reserved. By visiting this page, you have agreed to read the disclaimer before proceeding to the other pages.
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No matter what you do...He is watching.