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News Board

If you want game reviews then you've got to visit:

Thorough reviews, awesome pics, vast selection of games, up to date news about the latest and hottest games and systems...

Overall, master Woo gives this new and upcoming site a thumbs up. (nice going RedHaas)

Be sure to visit the power page.
Can you compare to Gokou?
I bet you wont even place next to Kuririn...
Please send me your level and the name you wish to be known as. Simply write it in our guest book, and I wil put you in the Hall of Fame... Hall of Shame.

Hey Fans...
Like DBZ? Ever seen movie 13?
Ever played Zelda: Ocarina of time?
Well, I have transcribed Tapion's Ocarina melody to be playable by Link. I think its pretty cool. If you want it, I will post it up shortly...
Tapion's melody can be found in our characters page. Check it out...

Tapion's melody:

D= dwn on control stick
U= up on control stick
R= Right button on top of control

Set one
Hold D, A, A, release D, c-down, D+c-up, Hold Z, c-left, c-right, c-left, release Z.
Set two
c-down, U+c-down, Hold Z, c-right, c-right, c-left, c-right, release Z, U+c-down
Set Three
c-down, U+c-down, Hold Z, c-right, c-riht, release Z, U+c-down, c-down, R+A, C-down

Song Order of sets
1,2,1,3... repeat if desired or as needed

Oh yeah, the scarecrow wont allow note changes with the stick. So forget about trying to keep it as your scarecrow song.

Hey, my Sifu sent me this animation.
Fight flash movie
Tell me how it is, because it takes forever to load on my pc.

Check out the workout page...
"Power sources" added.

This was the new flash intro:
I liked it, however, it was voted off.

WELLLL its been quite a long time since I've had any access to this page. I finally remembered my acct info... so YAAY. Now I can continue to edit and add.

Lots of hidden content as well. So stay tuned.

mail set up for all to write to has been changed.
It is:
Please mail us your requests and complaints.
All are welcome.

My Sifu's official web site for the school

Power Level Testing Page changed!
New setup:
One rep maximum method.
Move maximum weight (to your ability) as fast as you can in one second for each of the exercises.

E-mail results to the supersaiyajinclub

Creator of this web site

© Johnnywoo2000