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Goten's RPG Domain

Your PowerLevel is
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Last Updated:
2/18/2001 7:27pm

I did alot of updating make sure you reread most
of the pages.I finished the Training Stat page go
there to see how you can train.

New Characters:

None Yet

Come here to JOIN the RPG.

Come here to look at moves when joining.

Available Characters
this is where the Available Characters are.

Training Area
Come here to Train in the RPG.Make sure you go to
add topic not add poll.

How to make Money
This is where you learn how to make Money.

Come here to find out how to Fuse.

Come here to see how to Transform like into
SuperSayians and SuperHumans and stuff.

Training Stats
Come here to see how many minutes you can train,it
depends on how strong you are.

Battle Arena
Come here to Fight,Spar,and find Dragonballs.You
got to tell me when you go here and what planet
your on.

Come here to find out what happens when you die.

Ki Usage
This is where to go to find out how much Ki is
used to us in each move.

Item Shop
Come here to buy Items.

Rare Item Shop
This has all the Rare Items and how to get them.

Rules,Sparring,Training,and Fighting
this is where you go to find out the rules,how to
fight,train,and spar.

Planets,Dragonballs,and Wishes
Come here to see what Planets there are.You can
create your own when you join if you want.Come
here to learn how to get Dragonballs.You can also
learn stuff from the planets.

Come here to look at the Teams that are on the RPG.

Come here to see what Career you want when you

You find all the Info on the Members.


Come here and sign my guestbook in your
name so i know who was here.Post any Items you
want here.