November 8 Daily News - 11/8/00 So far I have aton done, I'm still shooting for full epsiodes/movies. Also I'm going to shoot for a chat room and a message board so If anyone has any good ones they can send me so I can sign up please thanx.

New Updates - 11/8/00 Also a need some affiliates people, so e-mail me if you want to link back to me. Okay that's all for today. November 9 Daily News - 11/9/00 Hello people need some affiliates here, also the Cell Game started so now the intense action starts undergoing. If anyone wants to become an affiliate e-mail me, because I don't just want the Vote For Me link on the right side. Daily Updates - 11/9/00 I put up more images, clips, and I'm trying to upload these episodes but can't seem to. I think it's cause of memory, anyway the full episodes won't be up until I know what it is. For now, see ya. November 10 Daily News - 11/10/00 DOH!!! I figured out something, yesturday these were labeled on October its not anymore its November anyway, so I fixed that little, big problem. I added a chatroom people, cool huh, enter here I added more clips! Go and check them out, I added like 9 more. Daily Updates - 11/10/00 Todays Episode - the z heroes are getting prepared for the tournement while cell made his floor for the game. I got an affiliate! Thanx Dragon Ball X, I'm still looking for more so sign up before theres no more spots left (like thats gonna happen)! I'm working on my DBZ Game, to reserve a character e-mail me at then tell me which character. November 11 Daily Updates - 11/11/00 Im getting a new layout! Because i figured out on some computers this site looks messed like the iframes are on different rows. So I'm making one with no frames at all, this is going to be interesting. I also gots a new button, click here Daily News - 11/11/00 Todays Episodes - What was fridays episodes, i forgot to see it. No episodes today, damn. Oookay, got a new affiliate! yes, its a sweet site its called Assasins of Dark, its a dbz site. Also its probably been already out but the at Stoneridge Mall in California at Electronics Botiqued i sawed the History of Trunks, gotta get the cover pic for that damn. November 12 Daily News - 11/12/00 Okay no episode today, damn. Also I got a sweet new affiliate, The Dragon Ball Z/GT Realm check it out its cool. Also I finished the layout, now I just have to put it on every page, damn. I'm still looking for a server to upload those episodes. Daily Updates - 11/12/00 Not much except for the new affiliate and the finished layout. November 13 NO UPDATES - FORGOT TOO... November 14 Daily News - 11/14/00 Damnt forgot to update yesturday, anyway yesturdays episodes was - Cell terrizing and finally found a tv station to broadcast on Todays Episode - .... Alright, I'm 75% done with the new layout and its looking good. I started another site with a friend his site is one of my affiliates. The sites name is called, Ff and Zelda Masters. Daily Updates - 11/14/00 I don't have much updating todo on the new layout! Just a couple sections to put the layout on then I'm done. Okay only a couple more days...