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A New Warrior


      The morning came, all of the Z warriors suddenly awoke. A huge power had overcome them, they all dashed away, following it's rate. They all met at the same place in New York City.
"So, you guys felt it too." Piccolo noticed once they were all there.
"yeah, but what the heck is it?" Krillen replied.
"I think we'll soon find out...I think it's coming from over there!" Gohan announced, pointing to a far street corner, just as a cloaked teenage girl dashed behind it.
"Think we should follow her?" Krillen asked.
" isn't everyday you feel a power like that!" Gohan replied worriedly.
They ran slowly, just so that they wouldn't attract attention. Once they were sure that they couldn't be seen, they ran after her. She was fast, and got faster once she noticed they were following her. Finally, they trapped her. She was surrounded, and didn't know what to do.
"What do you want with me?" She asked.
"Uhh...sorry to scare you like that but..." Krillen didn't know what to say. "I know, I can feel your power levels too." She said.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Vegeta asked.
"Well, you seem to be almost as powerful as Cell!" Gohan blurted out.
"Hm? Cell?" She asked confusedly.
"Uhh...long story. What's your name?" Krillen asked.
"If you must know, my name is Andy. I have to go now-" She was interupted by a scream coming from somewhere. "Oh my, I have to go! Bye now!" She said quickly as she ran off towards the scream. The Z warriors followed.
"Help! Help! They stole my purse!" a woman screamed, pointing towards a group of people running away.
"Aww, man! Not these guys again!" Andy said. She took off her cloak. She was about as tall as Gohan, and had khaki shorts that had side pockets and went down to her knees. She had a tail similar to that of a cheetah, and a blue shirt with an aqua outershirt. She had her sandy brown hair up in a ponytail, and bands around her wrists.
"You guys never give up, do you?" she said angrily. She chased after them, quite annoyed.
"Yo guysss, check it out! Andy'ssss after usss again!" Another teenage girl said. She had blue hair which went down to her waist, snake-like eyes, a red suit, and claws that were dangerously sharp.
"Aww man, whoooo would've thought she'd actually catch up with us!" a boy said. He had rather large eyes, and a red suit. He was the one carrying the purse.
"Just keep running, she's bound to get tired soon!" Another boy said with brown hair, and a lion-like tail, also wearing a red suit.
"Who are they?" Gohan asked.
"No time to explain!" Andy said. Then, something strange happened. She was lost in a large blast of white and orange sparks. When she became visible, they weren't sure it was her at all. She looked the same, but she was now a cheetah. She still had her clothes, and stood on her hind legs. She got down on all fourse, and took off. She was faster than a cheetah, faster than a train, and even faster than the Z warriors. They were astonished. She ran so fast, that they couldn't keep up with her any longer. In a matter of 10 seconds, she had all three of them in her grasp. She warped back to the police, and they cuffed the villians.
"Thanks again Andy! You're sure to be on the news tonight!" the police cheif reported.
"NO! I thank you! I'd rather not, thank you." She said rather fast.

Who is this mysterious Andy? Where did she come from? And who are these three new villians? Find out next time, on Dragon Ball Z!
