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The Universal Dragonballs Saga

Chapeter II: Reunion

"What do you meen Freeza's back?" exclaimed Bulma. She was in a robe with a cup of coffee in her hand which she had just spilled. Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin were standing in Bulma's and Vegeta's kitchen. "We mean he is alive!!" Vegeta exclaimed. "But how?!" Bulma asked, "I thought Trunks killed him." "Who did I kill Mommy?" Trunks asked. "Hey Trunks," Gohan said. "Get back in bed this instant!" Vegeta exclaimed. Trunks ran off. "Does he know about his future self?" asked Krillin. "No, I haven't told him," said Bulma. "But how did Freeza come back?" "He was wished back with the Dragonballs," Piccolo said. "Listen, we need the radar and a time machine." "Time machine??!" Gohan,Piccolo, and Krillin exclaimed. "Three Saiyans are better then two," Vegeta muttered. "Your thinking of getting Trunks aren't you?" Gohan said with a grin. "Yes, Bulma, while were getting Trunks rev up a spaceship so we can go." "I still don't know what this is about," Bulma said. "Just do it!" Piccolo and Vegeta exclaimed at the same time.

Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin were all in a time machine on the way to Future Trunks's time. They finnaly arrived, and landed on the front yard of Capsule Corporation. "You go in Vegeta," Gohan said. Vegeta went in. "Trunks," he called. Trunks came down from the ceiling with his sword out. Vegeta looked up. Trunks's sword stopped and inch from Vegeta's face. Trunks was in midair. He was wearing a black shirt with a purple Jacket, and a sword case with a strap around him. Trunks's eyes went wide and he sputtered,"F F Father!" "Trunks we.....we need your help on something."

They were all in the time machine heading back to the present. Everyone was silent, deep within their own thoughts. Vegeta had explained the situation to Trunks. Trunks jumped at the chance to be with Vegeta and Gohan. Piccolo was deep within meditation, his power level rising slowly. ( he must have been training) They finnaly arrived to Capsule Corporation at 8:00 in the evening. Bulma was overjoyed to see Trunks again. Chibi Trunks had gone to bed, for Bulma thought it would have been strange for the two to see each other. "Is the ship ready," Vegeta grumbled. "It's as ready as it's gonna get," Bulma replied. As the Z senshi entered the ship, Bulma ran towards Vegeta and wrapped her arms around him. Vegeta grunted, not knowing what to do. He awkwardly put his arms around Bulma. "Come back alive Vegeta," she said. Vegeta pulled back, gave one last look to Bulma, and entered the ship.

They were all on the ship getting dressed. The ship was huge. It had a main room that branched off into 8 other rooms. There were bedrooms for each of the 5 warriors, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a gravity/training room. Piccolo remained in his clothes, as did Trunks. He did, however put some Saiyan armor under his short and jacket. His sword had been repaired and enhanced. Vegeta got dressed into a one-piece blue outfit. He put on saiyan boots, saiyan gloves, and the same Saiyan armor he used in his battle against Cell. Gohan put on the same armor he put on at Namek, repaired and modified for his size of course. He was now 15. Krillin, as well, put on the same armor he wore on Namek. It was, of course, repaired also. "Freeza," Krillin thought to himself. He looked at his armor where there used to be a hole. He remembered where Freeza had stabbed him with one of his horns. He remembered the blood flowing out, and he was losing breath. He would have died, if it hadn't been for Dende. Krillin felt an overwhelming fear. Krillin felt a hand on his shoulder. "Be strong," came the deep raspy voice of Piccolo. "We'll all be there for you. Krillin smiled.
