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To join, fill out this form and post it on the joining section of the message board. Also, be sure that you've made yourself familar with our rules and story.

This form contains an explination of each category. A blank one can be found at the bottom, for copying.

Character Name: Not something too bland, but you don't have to know Japanese. Just think of an original name that fits the dragonball universe.

Age: Just remember, that different species age differently. If you're of a race which ageas differently than humans, plese also include your maturity in human years.

Race: Choose your race. You may be half and half, but please limit to only two races. Don't forget to include the ratio of your ancestry. Example: 1/4 Saiya-jin, 3/4 human.

-Human: The most common race, no real specialties, but they're the most well-balanced group with no real weakness shining through.
-Saiya-jin: A fading race with only a few members left. If they have a tail, they'll become an Oozaru (Giant Monkey) with the sight of a full moon. They also grow stronger every time they're defeated.
-Namekian: Namekians can only be male. They have the ability to stretch out their limbs and regenerate body parts. They are also much more natural at fusions.

Techniques: Each character may start out with three attacks. More basic attacks are recommended and only the lowest level of an attack can be started with. (Example; You can start with the Kamehameha, but not a stronger version such as the Kamehameha Wave.) Every character may use standard ki blasts and fly, but they don't if you don't want them to.

Starting Attack Suggestions: (These are just a few attacks which are some starting suggestions. You aren't limited to these only, but this will help those who aren't that familar with a lot of attacks.)
-Kamehameha: A well known specialty attack which can be quite strong depending on the user.
-Galic Ho: A counter to the kamehameha which is much easier to preform.
-Kienzan: Also known as the Destructo Disk, this attack can slice almost anything apart.
-Masenko: A powerful ki beam which can rival the power of the kamehameha.

Apperance; What your character looks like and what they wear.
HistoryL A brief history of your character.

Character Name: