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Bundy's Victims

This page goes into greater detail about Bundy's individual victims and what happened in their attack.

Kathy Devine



Date of Death:25/11/73

Details:Kathy was last seen trying to hitchhike to Oregon as a runaway. When found by a couple in McKenny Park, Washington, she had been strangled, sodomized, and her throat cut.

Mary Adams

Age: 18


Date of Death:4/1/74

Details: Mary's body was found in her Seattle bedroom. She had been battered to death.

Joni Lenz



Date of Attack:4/1/74

Details: Joni's roommates found her battered and bleeding from serious headwounds on the afternoon of the 4th January. A bed rod had been forcefully inserted into her vagina. Joni was taken to hospital in a coma and survived the attack, suffering brain damage for the rest of her life.

Lynda Ann Healy



Date of Death:31/1/74

Details: When Lynda didn't appear for work or dinner on the 31st of January 1974, her parents and friends alerted the police. When they arrived they found her bed to be soaked in blood, and a nightgown on the floor with blood on the collar. However, there was no evidence to lead them to her body.

Janice Ott



Date of Death:14/7/74

Details: A couple picnicking were the only witnesses to the abduction of Janice Ott. They recall seeing a handsome man approach her, calling himself Ted and claiming to have difficulty loading his boat onto his car due to a broken arm. Ott agreed to help him, and wasn't seen alive again. Her remains were found, along with others, in Lake Sammamish State Park, Washington State in August 1974.

Denise Naslund



Date of Death:14/7/74

Details:Denise was spending the afternoon in the park with her boyfriend, and walked away to the toilet. It is likely that during this time Bundy approached her with the same ruse he used on Janice Ott, having been witnessed failing with two other women who had refused to help him. Her remains were found along with those of Janice Ott.

Brenda Ball



Date of Death:Summer 1974

Details: Brenda Ball was one of seven women who disappeared during the summer of 1974. Her body as found ten miles from where Naslund and Ott had been found, a few months after the discovery of Caryn Campbell in 1975. The cause of death was identified as blows to the head with a blunt object.

Susan Rancourt


Area:Taylor Mountains

Date of Death:Summer 1974

Details:Susan Rancourt also disappeared in the summer of 1974, and her body was found a couple of days after that of Brenda Ball. Again she had died as a result of severe blows to the head with a blunt object.

Melissa Smith



Date of Death:18/10/74

Details:The daughter of Midvale, Utah's, Police Chief Louis Smith, Melissa disappeared on the 18th October 1974. She was strangled, sodomized and raped, and her body was found nine days later.

Carol DaRonch



Date of Attack: 8/11/74

Details:Bundy approached Carol in a book shop in a mall in Utah, saying that someone was breaking into her car. He identified himself as Officer Roseland and said he wanted to escort her to police headquarters to file a complaint. When DaRonch saw that he drove a tan VW bug, she became suspicious and asked for identification, at which point Bundy flashed a gold badge.

Once DaRonch was in the car, Bundy drove off in the opposite direction to the police station, then suddenly stopped the car. He tried to handcuff DaRonch and she started screaming. Bundy threw her out of the car then pushed her up against it, preparing to hit her about the head with a crowbar. DaRonch managed to kick him in the genitals and break free, escaping by scrambling into the car of a couple driving past. They took her to the police station where she filed her complaint. She was later able to identify Bundy in a line up.

Debby Kent



Date of Death:8/11/74

Details:On the same evening of the attack on DaRonch, Bundy entered a high school performance. Debby Kent was watching the performance with her parents, but had to leave to pick up her brother from a bowling alley, promising to return to pick up her parents. She didn't make it to the car. The only thing that the police were able to find was a small handcuff key, which turned out to fit perfectly in the handcuffs which Bundy had tried to use on Carol DaRonch. Bundy had ealier been seen at the performance by Jean Graham, who he had requested for help in identifying a car. She had refused to help, even when approached a second time.

Caryn Campbell



Date of Death:12/1/75

Details:Caryn was on a trip to Colorado with her fiance, Dr. Raymond Gadowski, and his two children. Gadowski was there for a conference, and Caryn hoped to take some time away from work. Gadowski, Campbell and the children were relaxing in the lounge of the hotel when Campbell realised she had forgotton a magazine from her room and went to retrieve it. She didn't make it to the room, and when she hadn't been seen by the morning Gadowski reported her disappearence to the police. They were unable to find her until her naked body was found by recreational workers a month later, laying a short distance from the road a few miles away from the hotel. She had been killed with blows to the head.

Margaret Bowman



Date of Death:15/1/78

Details:Bundy broke into the Chi Omega sorority house of Florida State University. Margaret Bowman was one of the two girls killed. She had been beaten around the head so severely that her skull was splintered and part of her brain was exposed.A pair of panty hose which Bundy had used to strangle her were found at the scene.

Lisa Levy



Date of Death:15/1/78

Details:Lisa Levy was the second girl killed in the Chi Omega attack. The autopsy showed that she had been beaten on the head with a log, raped and strangled. She had also been sexually assaulted with a hairspray bottle. Her body showed evidence of teeth marks on the buttocks and breasts, which matched Bundy's teeth perfectly. This was a key piece of evidence at Bundy's trial.

Karen Chandler



Date of Attack:15/1/78

Details:Karen Chandler was one of the two girls who was injured in the Chi Omega attack, but survived. She was found by roommates Nancy Dowdy and Nita Neary staggering down the hall, bleeding badly from a head wound.

Kathy Kleiner



Date of Attack:15/1/78

Details:Kathy was another injured survivor of the Chi Omega attack. She was found in her room by the same girls who found Karen Chandler, bleeding from open wounds on her head.

Cheryl Thompson



Date of Attack:15/1/78

Details:After the attacks at the Chi Omega house, Bundy broke into Cheryl Thompson's appartment. When she was found she was alive, but had been beaten about the head. She was partially conscious and some of her clothes had been removed. The police found a mask at the foot of her bed, which resembled that taken from Bundy's car in 1975.

Kimberley Leach



Date of Death:9/2/78

Details:Two weeks after the Chi Omega murders, Bundy kidnapped Kimberley Leach from outside her school in Lake City, Florida, in a stolen van. Kimberley's body was found eight weeks later in a pig trough in Suwannee County, Florida, and traces of semen were found on her underwear which lay nearby. Earier in the day he had approached Leslie Parmenter. Her brother became suspicious and wrote down the licence plate of the van Bundy was driving, alerting the police.

Other, unidentified, bodies were also found over the period of Bundy's killing which showed signs of his methods of attack. >