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DBZ Movie Summaries
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Trunks Special: History of Trunks

Characters: Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, Tien, Vegeta, Yamcha, Chaozu, Krillin, Bulma, Chi Chi, Android 17 & 18

Length: 48 Minutes

Summary:       As the movie opens we see Gohan running home with an unsure expression on his face. When he arrives at his house he sees all his friends standing outside the entrance to his home. They all have a sad look on their face. Gohan enters the house and sees his mother, Chi Chi leaning over a bed where Goku is laying. Gohan realizes that his father is dead and outside we hear Krillin scream "He's gone, Goku is gone." Goku has died from the radical heart virus that attacked him.

*The screen fades and now the action is taking place 6 months in the future.*

      Android 17 & 18 have been terrorizing the world. All the Z Warriors have tried and failed. They all fell victims to the horrible androids. The only survivors are Gohan and Trunks. Trunks lives with his mother Bulma and he secretly is being trained by the now grown up Gohan. Trunks tries very hard to become a Super Saiyan but always fails, he just doesnt have the compassion. Everytime the androids reign terror on the local area Gohan and Trunks fly to face them. On one of their encounters Gohan seems to be putting up quite a fight against 18 however 17 joins in to help and Gohan is outmatched. The battle turns into a struggle to escape. Gohan grabs Trunks and they hide in the rubble. The Androids decide to leave because Gohan has managed to escapape once again. However, before they leave the area they decide to bombard it with energy shots. After the dust settles we see Gohan crawling in Trunks' direction. He takes out the last senzu bean he has and gives it to Trunks. It turns out that Gohan has lost his left arm in the bombardment. Trunks carries him to his house where Bulma takes care of the hurt Gohan.

      Once again Gohan is healed and in fighting condition. Trunks and Gohan are sitting on a cliff and they notice smoke in the sky. "It's the androids," exclaims Trunks. Gohan tells Trunks that he cannot come with him this time because he is more vulrnable when Trunks is there. Trunks pleads with Gohan, Gohan agrees however right before they take off. Gohan chops Trunks in the back of his head leaving him unconcious. Gohan flies off to face his foes. Gohan seems to manage even with one arm, however, he is quickly overpowered by the two androids. He tries to escape but this time the androids wont allow it. They cut him off and throw him on the ground, then they bombard him with energy shots. Gohan can't manage to escape and is left dead with his face in a puddle of rain.

      As Trunks regains conciousness he calls Gohans name. He flies in the direction where he last saw the androids. He spots a body on the sreet. He calls Gohan's name but Gohan doesnt answer. Trunks screams "What have they done to you," when he realizes that Gohan is dead. In the state of rage Trunks screams clenching his fists till blood pours from his palms and makes its way down his arm. All of a sudden a dormant power awakes inside the young warriors body, as he turns Super Saiyan. His aura emmits a brilliant gold color and his eyes glow blue as he pounds the ground in frustration.

      3 years later the world is still being terrorized by the evil androids. Trunks arrives at his house to see his mother working on the time machine. Trunks questions why she is making it and he states that it will never work. Bulma says that this will help us save the future. On the TV we hear an announcement that the androdis are attacking another city. Trunks flies off, now sporting his sword, to fight the androids. He battles them and even as a Super Saiyan he can't defeat them both. The androids continuasly barrage him with attacks. In the end they leave him for dead, but it turns out he is still alive. We next see him lying in bed with his mother Bulma keeping watch over him. He finally decides to take the time machine and travel back in time to give Goku the antidote for the virus that will attack his heart.
