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About Me!

Hello and welcome to my info page!
What are you doing here? You don't know me and if you do you probably already know this stuff!
But if you're here then stay and read about my life!

Names:Demonchan,Titania,Catherine, hellfire_angel, a few more!

Love:DBZ,Anime, manga,Yamcha,Trunks,Vincent valentine Final Fantasys 7,6,4,5,(Burbles on about old games and a boy in her year)

Hate:Heh heh heh, The saibermen, Sailor moon, Yamcha haters (For example a mr DIE YAMCHA DIE who accused somone of being ''Absessed'' with yamcha!)L.A.E (the're her initials!),Barney,Tellitubbys, Ash Ketchum, Ed Edd and Eddy,Bitches,formerly bulma but she's not so bad now!

History: Spent some time pretending not to like DBZ until I discovered that Many people in my year and yes Even my form tuter were into it (Though We're still a minority).Became obsessed in all things anime visited hell to get inspiration for this page Said Hi to Duo Maxwell(The god of Death) Became a Demon convinced myself that Dragonball Z was real! Trashed my old web site, found out I was right about DBZ Being real,Whent out of my way to save the earth so that the Z gang would like me, it Didn't work, Gave them alchahol, That worked!,Began working on new site,hung out with Mirai Trunks and Yamcha,Broke thhe gravity machine (Oops! Heh Heh Heh) Retreated to hyperbolic time chanber Stayed for a couple of Days(Earth time), With Trunks Tried to sneak past Vegeta, Failed , got beaten up,Made Trunks carry me Cause Vegeta broke my legs ,Laughed Beacause He hadn't really and I'd Tricked Trunks, Retreated to computer from an angry Trunks and That's about It!

Friends: Domonic,Michal, Robert,Chris,Andrew, Jo, Keith, James, Paul,most of the Z senshi (To me Friend=somone I like Talking to!)

Faverite teatures:Mr Threadgill (Mr Threadgill watches DBZ HOW COOL IS THAT!!!) Mr Dore (Mr Dore lets me borrow his manga! YAY!!!)