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Bary-Hey! I really like you and I'm glad were going out! I'm glad I went to Red Robins on my birthday because I almost didn't go, but its a good I went huh?! If I hadn't we would of never met prolly. I remember when I got that note I was like shocked cuz no ones told me that before so your the first. As you know I'm not good with putting what I'm thinking into words.. but I'll get better at it soon. I wish I could see more of you! I hope were together for a long time. I miss ya!

Raquel-Hey! We've been best friends for a hella long time huh?! You think your the normal one?! How about NO! I'm happy we finally got a class together this year. We haven't had one together since the 4th grade.. thats a hellla long time.Remember give it to the fat guy?! (inside joke)

Stephanie-Hey! I know you want to marry the Bear from the football game we went to... *LOL* That was sooo much fun. I'm glad we have 1st period together cuz like if we didn't Mr. Hibbard would be sooo boring wit out you there... remember the trip to Canada and the trash can?! *LMAO* that was fun!! You have to go to Canada this year!! Those guyz prolly never figured it out we were the ones who put the trash by there door. *LOL* Oh, yeah I swear SOME DAY ILL BRING YOU YOUR NOTES! Just come on Steph!

Drew-Hey dork! Ne who YOUR SOO MEAN TO POOR LIL OL ME! GEEEEEZ!! BE NICE!!! Ok, ne ways thanks for alwayyyyyyyys being there for me when I needed someone to talk to. Your like one for my best friends from ct.. UGH POOR ME! J/K Ok, ne wayz oh yess before I leave SOMEONE HIT HIM!!!!! And Drew never forget GIRLS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT!! You even said so when you were drunk. *laughz* HAHA!!

Mel-OMG ITS SMELLY MELLY!!! *gasp* You need to come on more I dont see you that much anymore.. *snifflez* Your always fun to be hypa with cuz your alwayz hypa when I am.. WOO HOO!!

Shann-Hey chicka! Wassup?! Your sooooooooo much fun to talk to on aim. Geez.. you can't keep a secert can you?! NOOO.. I didn't think so. Ne wayz you need to come on more.. cuz I miss bugging you. Oh remember that trick we played on drew that was sooo mean but funny wasn't it?!

Stephy-Hey chicka! Sup?! You know I'm always here for you no matter what right?! You've always been there for me when I needed someone to talk to. Your one of best friends on here!

Jonathan-Hey ugly! Wassup?! Uh.. I don't know what to say to you so yeah.. I just thought I'd add you cuz I know your bug me if I dont. Oh and by the way.. CALL MY VOICEMAIL SOMETIME!!!!!!! Geez you never do! And did you forget to call me also?! I think you did.. CALL ME SOMETIME TOO .. geez!! You never do call back you know! Geez.. Jonathan your soo RUDE! Did you call me?! NOO! Ne wayz your favorite cousin I think you know that cuz we always hang out when I'm over. You know I only pick on ya cuz your my cousin. Even though its also fun to.. to!

Erica-Hey! Look I finally spelt your name right OMG! Anyways we barely talk anymore, but I guess its okay cuz we have different friends and we never see each other.

Brianna-Hey chicka! Geez.. I can't believe we've been best friends since ballet.. back in kindergarten. I wish we could hang out more and do stuff together. Kinda sucks that you go to Renton and I go to Hazen doesn't it?! We never see each other ne more. Oh you know what we should do next summer?! Go camping again.. that was sooo much fun this summer when we went.. wasn't it?! I think we learned never to put our tent on the hill didn't we?! *LOL*

Joanna-Hey! I never see you ne more. I can't believe we've been friends so we were really really little.. thats a really long time!! Call me sometime k?!

Ashley-Hey gurlie! Gawd.. I haven't seen you since 6th grade graduation.. thats 4 whole years!! We should really get together soon! I know we keep saying that, but I think we should really do it sometime SOON! Call me sometime, k?!

Matt-Hey! Wassup?! Well.. I don't really know what to say for you, but yeah I just thought I'd add ya.. even though you are kinda weird.. but hey its all good. Yeah yeah I know what your gonna tell me about the Hazen volleyball team.. WE SUCK! Geez.. ne wayz your sooo mean at times, but then SOMETIMES you are nice.. yeah like once in a million years.

Amanda-Hey! Wassup?! It's always fun to pick on Jonathan isn't it?! *LOL* Don't let him be mean to you.. when he is just hit 'em in the head like I do! We both know he hates that... Don't ya Johnathan?! Well, psssh to bad , right?! Too bad we don't live closer.. it kinda sucks don't it?!

Brittany-Hey! How are ya?! I haven't seen you foreva.. its been since like umm.. summer time or so. To bad we don't live by each other.. but at least I can see ya when I go to Jonathans.

Rikie-Hey girl!! I'm glad your back from Cali its fun having you around. I don't think I could of ever of called Red Robin if you didn't call for me. Thanks!

I know I still have a lot of ppl to add I'll add ya if I forgot you.. I PROMISE!!