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Welcome To GoldSaiyan's Dragon  Ball Z Website!

If you have any questions about dates or want to know things about the site, please feel free to e-mail me! (GoldSaiyan)                  


HOME Welcome!! In this site, you will find Picture Galleries, video clips, music files, chat and more! I hope you Like it, cause I do! If you have spare time you can check out my in progress Digimon Site:

Full Episode Downloads



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News Updates

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Episode Guide list

Game Codes


Digimon Site

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9.GoldSaiyan 09/15/01

Back Once again folks! Organized the Site with a better layout. If no one likes the new layout, feel free to email GoldSaiyan and I will change it. And another news update: Monday, everyone will start fresh, stock markets, airports, and sports are scheduled to resume. Also, I fixed the site links. 

8.GoldSaiyan 09/13/01

Hey hey!!! Back again! Update: 7 survivors in the WTC wrecking, and black box transcoder found from the jet which hit the pentagon. I updated quite the damn little bit! Just check it out for yourself! Later!

7.GoldSaiyan 09/12/01

HEllo EvErYbOdY!!! Anyways, tragically, yesterday, thousands or people were killed from the accident from the WTC (see news for more details). Finally back once again, added more pictures and changed the lay out to the site. Added a News Update section, and added more links. I will be updating this site every other day from now on, because of the new sections I put in. Last, my deepest prayers go out to the families or the victims and that the victims may rest peacefully. And also, I finally have a chance to start making my Digimon Site. And Added a new hit counter to the homepage

6.GoldSaiyan 06/25/01

Finally back off of vacation. I am starting to build a Digimon website, since it has been requested a lot by the viewers of this site. Also, I might shake hands with Prince_Gohan, to agree linking our sites together into to one site, his has a better RPG. Also. I have added another Picture Gallery, the link to it is through picture gallery #1. Made the homepage a little better, and updated some pages.

5. GoldSaiyan 06/25/01

Added a vote. Please, I need votes! So please vote for me with the link for the top 100. If I don't have at least 50 votes by 6/29/01 I am shutting down my site.

4. GoldSaiyan 06/23/01

Added new guest book, and added some more video clips.

3. GoldSaiyan 21/6/01

Added some polls, and fixed the background music for the members page. Please, visit the poll page, I need you to vote so I can make my site for the better, to make more people happy, I need some results.


Prince Gohan RPG





Enter DaBlackGoku!!

DBZ Top 50

MasterVegeta's DBZ

Project Z




                                            Copyrighted By GoldSaiyanDBZ

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