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Solar Flare: The user puts his hands in front of his face, says "Solar Flare" and it lights up very bright, so much that he blinds his opponent. Lasts until the ref says it has worn off. Can use this only once and it cannot be dodged or blocked.

Kamehameha: It is a ki blast, which to start is charged up held behind the firer in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy. Pl must be 800,000

Bio Ekisyushyu Kyodai Ka: (A technique of gathering his ki into a small, compact,Green orb and then either releasing it from his grip or throwing it at his opponent.)

Self Destruct: You use all of your energy to make urself explode killing yourself and maybe your opponent. Damage is your PL when you are fully healed.

Quick Attack: This attack can be used to stop an opponent from doing a certain move by using a weaker attack to quickly interrupt their attack making them lose a turn. Can only be used twice.

Series Attack: This allows you to do a couple of moves in a row all in one turn but can really tire you out. If you use this attack you may not be able to attack for a turn or two.

Barrier: This purely defensive technique forms a AL-shield around the body that protects the user from AL or similar attacks. May only be used as a counter. Only used twice in a fight and is used in place of a dodge or block so it does not use up an attack. PL must be 5,000,000

Crusher Ball: A move that jeice out of the Ginyu force used. The user powers up a red/orange ball from one hand then it is thrown overhead. If this move would have hit something I'm pretty sure it would have done some major damage to something cause of the way they talked about it. PL must be 1,000,000

Eye Beam: It is basically a double ki blast shot from the eyes.

Gyoko: A purple ki blast that shocks and explodes on its victom on impact.

Zan Zan Blast: A small blast that explodes on contact.

Enkidan: A energy dan that spreads out by its self hitting your opponents from different directions.

Monkojutsu: A flying blast that is much like Kamehameha. PL must be 800,000

Ming Kia Blast: A blast from two fingers that cuts its opponent. Can be fatal if opponent is hit in the right spots.

Bakuhatsuha: A powerful 2 finger ki blast.

Kikou Ha: An energy wave attack. A ball of energy is formed around you and it shoots out in all directions like a wave. Cannot be dodged. Pl must be 3,000,000

Deflection Sheild: used to deflect any move. The stronger you are the less your opponents attacks will hurt you. Can use this move as a counter as many times as you want. If you are strong enough to deflect an attack it will be deflected towards them. PL must be 3,000,000

Eraser Gun: Where you charge up and shoot a beam out of your mouth causing a big explosion

Artificial Moon: You creat a ball of energy and throw it into the sky. The energy from the ball sends off light just like the moons wich creates fake moon light. Use this to turn into Oozaru. You will stay Oozaru until your opponent uses an attack to destroy your artificial moon. PL must be 800,000

Burning Attack: This is an attack that Trunks uses. He makes many strange hand movements before fireing a powerful energy beam. PL must be 2,000,000

Finish Buster: Trunks finishing move. This is a large ball of energy thrown from overhead. PL must be 10,000,000

Renzoku Shine: Gotenks improved version of the Renzoku Energy Dan but much stronger.

Mafuba: A swirling blast of energy shot at your opponent. Must be very fast to dodge.

Kakusandan: You shoot a blast from each hand then the blasts merge and split apart into many smaller ki- bolts that rain down on your opponents. Cannot be dodged.

Honou: A blast of ki from your mouth.

Destructo Disc: The user focuses his energy and then forms it into a very big energy disc. This is one of Krillin's best moves. This will kill you unless dodged or if you have on a certain kind of armor or your skin is a hard shell like cells. Can only be used once and cannot be blocked. Your PL must be 200,000

Destructo Disc Split Attack: The advanced form of the Destructo Disc. Makes the Disc split up to 2 to 8 discs half the size of the original. First used when Krillin fights Freiza. Your PL must be 500,000

Cutter Throw: A move that can only be learned and performed by some one with a sword , the user focuses some energy into their sword then throws it at the opponent.

Tri beam: You put your hand in a triangle and shoot a super strong beam from them, this is Tien's signature move.

Ground blast: You charge electricty in you hand and shoot it at the ground, it electrifys everything withen 50 feet. Can paralyze an opponent for a short time if they are weak.

Hasshuken: When you move your arms fast enough so there are like eight, and you attack with all eight at once.

Honoo: A powerful breath of fire.

Body Change: This technique is used by the leader of the Ginyu-tokusentai, Ginyu. Ginyu spreads his limbs out, shouts "Change!" and shoots out a bolt of energy, and if it hits its target, Ginyu changes bodies with that person. Ginyu then gains the strength and speed of his target, but not his special techniques or ki. After changing bodies, Ginyu can still do a Body Change. Ginyu will change bodies with the first person to hit his change beam, and thus if someone gets in the way of his intended target, Ginyu will change bodies with that person instead. After a battle you and your opponent will be given their rightful bodies back. Will almost never hit an opponent if they dodge unless you paralyze them or blind them in some way. PL 4,000,000

Time stop: This is an attack when used freezes time for his opponents so that they are frozen in whatever position they were in. Can only be used twice in a battle and lasts longer for stronger people. Cannot be dodged or blocked. PL muste be 800,000

Crasher Ball: The Crasher Ball is a ki-ball that is produced from the palm of the hand. PL must be 600,000

Shogekiha: Is an invisible blast shot from the eyes or hand. Cannot be dodged or blocked.

Genocide Attack: A series of Ki blasts shot into the air, which seek their targets upon being fired. Cannot be dodged.

Tenkubekejiken: The user of this technique jumps high in the air, then on the way down, face forward with his arms in an "X" position, landing on his opponent with the arm "X."

Eraser Cannon: It is a large, powerful Ki blast shot from the mouth, and can destroy in a very large radius from where it hits.

Rikum Kick: A charging knee blow.

Rikum Mahha Attack: A charging punch.

Dynamite Kick: A charging kick.

Rolling Satan Punch: Satan curls up into a ball, rolls along the ground, then punches his opponent.

Dodonpa: A blast shot from one finger, which explodes upon impact.

Big Bang Attack: When Vegeta puts up one hand and shoots a big blast from his palm.

Final Flash : A huge blast from Vegeta when he uses his energy to power up his blast. PL must be 8,000,000

Spirit Bomb:A huge circle of the universes energy used to eliminate oponents. pl must be 10,000,000

Kaioken: A technique Goku uses to build up his power and speed at the same time to defeat other opponents. pl must be 10,000,000

Planet Buster: This move is the ball of energy frieza uses to destroy planets. This has different sizes, you can get certain sizes depending on your PL.

Size 1: PL 25,000,000 Damage:5,000,000

Size 2: PL 45,000,000 Damage:10,000,000

Size 3: PL 300,000,000 Damage planet:40,000,000

The ULTIMATE SIZE: PL 700,000,000 Damage: 300,000,000

These can only be used when you destroy a planet. Kills anybody on the planet that does not have the abilities Teleport or Space travel or a space ship or that does not have HP greater than the damage.

HOW ATTACKS WORK-When you attack somebody the attack will take the damage that the ref thinks is appropriate and will be used on your opponent. The more power you have the stronger your attack will be and the less you will be hurt.

If you have any questions please ask Piccolo