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Remember that if you think you will never be able to buy some of these items, you could always wish for them. You can also sell items if you would like. If you do you will be returned the money you paid for the items. To do this just ask Piccolo how. You may only have 10 items of your own at one time. There can also be no more than 15 team items on one team at the same time. To get new ones you will have to sell an old one. If you are going to use items in a battle you must tell the Ref before the battle starts. Can only use one weapon during a battle.


Senzu Bean-Cost $1,000 each-restores your health completely. Can only be once twice during a battle

Senzu Tree-Produces 10 senzu beans per week and costs $200,000 Scouter-Lets you find dragonballs on planets Earth, Vegeta, Namek, Frieza, Arlia, and Majin (must either have this or a Dragonball Radar to find dragonballs on these planets and it senses your opponents stats if you don't have the ability stat sensing. Costs $90,000

Dragonball Radar-Lets you find dragonballs on planets Earth, Vegeta, Namek, Frieza, Arlia, and Majin (must have either this or the scouter to find dragonballs on these planets). Cost $45,000.

Dark Star Dragonball Radar-You have to have this to find Dark Star Dragonballs. Costs $100,000 Red Star Dragonball Radar-You have to have this to find Red Star Dragonballs. Costs $125,000.

Saiyan Space Pod-Takes 4 days to get to any planet.Costs $75,000. Hold 1 person.

Saiyan Space Ship-Takes 3 days to travel to any planet. Costs $110,000 and holds 3 people.

Capsule Corp Super Ship- Holds 5 people and comes with 5 senzu beans, 3 saiyan armors, and 1 saiyan space pod. Takes 2 days to get to any planet. Costs $150,000. It also has a gravitron at level 2.

Floating Base-No one can find you or kill you here. Your items can be stored here and cannot be stolen. Comes with 2 Gravitrons at level 4, Dark Star Dragonball Radar, 2 scouters, 3 pairs of potarra earrings,1 senzu tree, 2 super saiyan armors, and 2 Rejuvinators and 2 seeds of tree of might and Deathship. Costs $1,000,000.

Gravitron-Train in this and your stats increase by 15,000 per day. Pl must be 100,000 to use this. Costs $100,000.

Gravitron level 2- Train in this and your stats increase 50,000 a day. Pl must be 200,000 to use this. Costs $150,000 and can be lowered down to level 1.

Gravitron level 3- Train in this and your stats increase 100,000 a day. Pl must be 350,000 to use this. Costs $200,000 and can be lowered down to lever 2 or 1.

Gravitron level 4- Train in this and your stats increase 200,000 a day. Pl must be 1,000,000 to use this. Costs $300,000 and can be lowered to level 3,2, or 1.

Potarra Earrings- Allows 2 of the same race to fuse with each other to add there stats up all together. Costs $45,000. You may unfuse when taken off. After you use these once they are useless. You must buy more to fuse again.

Rejuvinator-If you are severely hurt you can get restored in the rejuvinator. It takes 3 days to get fully restored. Once you get in the rejuvinator you cannot be attacked and you cannot get out until you are fully restored. Once you get fully restored you get your original power level plus 500,000 extra. Costs $500,000

Tree Of Might-The seed will cost $450,000. You will have to find a planet and plant it on it. It will take 3 weeks for it to destroy the planet and when it is done you will have the fruit to eat. After you eat the fruit your stats will increase 2,000,000 each. After the 3 weeks everyone on the planet will be dead so they better stop it before the tree finishes its job. The only way to kill the tree is to destroy the planet or the person that planted it. This Tree comes with 4 fruit. Costs $500,000

Death Ship-A ship that lets you go to the next dimension and pick up dead people or just go there to train. Takes 1 day to get there. $300,000
