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Cell Games

In the cell games you cannot be killed. The cell games will begin when seven opponents have signed up. If you are killed before you lose a battle you will be taken off the opponents list and somebody else will be able to take your place. Once the cell games start they will not stop even to wait for another opponent to take the place of a dead one. After you are beaten you will be given a sinzu bean and your health will be restored. If you win you will be given your next opponent. The battling rules are the same as normal. First prize is $40,000. Second place prize is $25,000. If you know you arn't strong enough to win a prize you should still join in this tournament. It is a good way to get stronger from fighting and it is a good experience for fighting that ensures that you won't be killed if you lose. This is the only time that you can fight somebody on your own team. If you have any questions or want to join ask Piccolo or Vegeta.

These are the opponents and their rankings