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These are the planets with banks on them. You can put your money in the bank for safe keeping. You can only put your money in one bank at a time and you must be on the planet with your bank to withdraw or put in some money. Your money is safe in the bank unless somebody robs the bank on the planet with your money in it or if the planet is blown up. It is not a good idea to rob a bank unless you are pretty strong because it will make you many enemies. If you stay on the planet that you robbed for more than one day you will be caught, executed, and the money will be returned back to the bank. There will be a reward for the person who catches you if you leave the planet that you robbed. To catch the robber you must find him and kill him. Then you have to return the money to the bank. You cannot keep the money unless you rob the bank.







Dark Stars-

Red Stars-
