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Geoff's Internet Notes


2 forms of sending data to a server - Get and Post

The get data is separated with a '?'

    GET HTTP/1.0 /cgi-bin/example.cgi?username=Rafe+Colburn&date=9%2F7%2f98%2F

An example of using Variables is here.

Header information is sent as part of the request header, in the form of variables.

A Blank Line shows that the header information has been completed.

MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extentsions

SSL - Secure Sockets Layer SSI - Server Side Includes. See an example here.

Ports - SSL Runs on port 443 - HTTP on Port 80

HTML Syntax

< &lt;
> &gt;
& &amp;
æ &aelig;
© &copy;
non-breaking space &nbsp;


$new_phone_number =~ tr/0-9//dc;

The 'c' means reverse the search, or verbose if you like, where all items not sepecified in the first pattern are searched (in this example all non-numeric characters). The 'd' in this example will see all of these non-numeric characters deleted.

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