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March 7, 2001

Well people I have come to a hard decision. I am going to stop updating the site. It has been fun for the nearly 2 years it lasted but the frustration of attracting visitors and dealing with idiots at the search engines has finally got to me. I must gloat about how amazed I was with my progression as a little pathetic beginners site to where I am today. I am going to leave the site up I just wont update anymore, but slowly the links will die away and the picture files become corrupted. I thank any loyal fans I had, which is probably none, and all my affiliates for seeing past my pathetic hit count. Who knows maybe someday I will make a dashing return with an even better site. Until then this is Tony signing off. *sniff*

March 3, 200

Hey everyone, do you like the new scroller thingys I got? Kind of a major layout change there. They should reduce load time hopefully. I am sort of redoing the layout so if anyone wants to join the staff then please do. Well thats about it for now. Check back later.

March 3, 2001

I just got a new affiliate, SSJ2 Realm so go visit him and check out his cool new layout. Thats about it for today. I will have a big update for tommorow so come back.

March 2, 2001

Sorry I stopped updating every day as I usually do but with spring sports starting I dont usually have time to update so I am going to dedicate weekends to huge updates. For today I have an extremely large section up called the 'lyrics' section. It has lyrics from all the major DB Z/GT songs used in all 3 series. Some have been translated to english some have not. Either way go check it out.

February 28, 2001

Hey visitors. A nice little addition to the information family..a famliy tree! Heh heh get it? Do ya get it? Do ya?! Anyways it is a very nice family tree so go check it out. As you may notice by reading the messages below I am looking for a staff member to help me run the site. If interested go to the 'join staff' section and see if you meet the requirements. Thats all for now, check ya later.

February 27, 2001

Hey everyone. do you like the image at the top? Goten made it for me over at Gotens Fused Domain. I must be honest, I am running out of ideas for stuff to add to the site, thats another reason I need another staff member so hurry up and apply. For today I added 25 more pictures to the pictures section. Also I am going to start writing saga summaries so be expecting that soon. Well thats about it for today. Thanks.

Your visitor # since February 21, 2001



Saiyan HQ

-Bebi's Hideout-
Who is cooler, Majin Vegeta, or Bebi Vegeta?

Bebi Vegeta
Majin Vegeta
They both suck!
They're both cool!
Whos Bebi Vegeta?
Whos Majin Vegeta?



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