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Voise: One day in teletubbie land a Lost person came walking along..
Goku: Where am I? This isn't the set for DBZ
*Laa Laa come skiping along with her ball*
Laa Laa: OOoo whats dat? *points at Goku*
Voise: Laa Laa say hello to Goku
Laa Laa: Eh oh Goku
*Goku looks round trying to find where to voise came from*
Goku: Oh hi Laa Laa where am I?
Voise: Laa Laa wanted goku to play with her
Laa Laa: Laa Laa want Goku to Play!
Goku: Huh? Play?
Laa Laa: *Rolls ball to Goku*
Goku: *Rolls it back* thats as big as a Genki Dama
*Po comes along on her scoter*
Po: Ehoh Laa Laa
Laa Laa: Eh oh Po
Po: ooo Whats dat? *points at Goku*
Laa Laa: *ggls* Goku
Goku: hello Po whats that?
Po: Po's scoter!
Goku: Can I have a go of po's scoter?
Voise: Po let her new friend have a go on the scoter
Po + Laa Laa: Po lety Goku have go
Goku: Yeah *jumps on scoter and rides round* heh this is fun
*Po and Laa Laa fall over lauging as Goku rides round*
Voise: Soon another person came into Teletubbie land...
Vegeta: Dam it Kakakrot why is it i've got to go looking for you??
*Tinky Winky and Dipsy come long*
Vegeta: Oh my god I though I could avoid them!
Tinky winky: Ehoh Dipsy, Ehoh Vegeta
Dipsy: Ehoh Tinky Winky, Ehoh Vegeta
Vegeta: Dont you come anywhere near me!
Voise: Dipsy was happy that he made a new friend and did a little dance
Vegeta: What was that? and what you mean friend?
Dipsy: Dipsy Dance!! *starts danceing*
Vegeta: Ahhh Die Dip S**T *Ki-Blast Dipsy*
Voise: Hey that wasn't nice!!
Vegeta: Shut up!
Tinky Winky: Ahhh Run away, Run away *runs off chanting Run away*
Vegeta: You better run *walks after Tinky winky*
Goku: *is knocked off scoter by Tinky winky* Hey
Tinky Winky: run away, Run away!
Po: Run away?
Laa Laa: Ehoh Tinky Winky
Tinky Winky: *stops and point back* Dipsy go boom!
Laa Laa: How?
Po: Nooooo Dipsy!!!!
Goku: What happened?
Tinky Winky: Dipsy Dance then ...*blows up*
Laa Laa; Tinky winky!! *Starts crying*
Goku: Wow how that happen?
Vegeta: Kakkarot what are you doing here?
Goku: Vegeta I got lost on my way to the set and met these guys
Vegeta: *laughs evily* you see Tinky Winky blow in to Tinnie winnie piecs
Po: You! *runs at Vegeta*
Vegeta: Get away you Ho!! *Galick gun po* feels good
Goku: Vegeta stop it!
Laa Laa: What going to do?
Voise: Vegeta suddenly had a heart attack..
Vegeta: Oh really?
Voise sounding like Goku: heh Vegeta I'm everywhere know
Vegeta: *Galick gun Laa Laa* Now where are you?
Voise: You will never find me..
Goku: Hey Vegeta look at this *point at a door*
Vegeta: Kakkarot I must say I'm impressed *kicks door down*
Little sad man: Nooo dont kill me, the teletubbies made me do it...mercy
Vegeta: The sun is setting in the sky its time for you to say goodbye *final flashs the Man*
Goku: Why do you have to kill everything?
Vegeta: Cuz its fun now come on if I'm not back in 2 mintures I had to pay Krillin £20
Goku: You also have to stop betting with Krillin..
Vegeta: *Kicks Goku in balls and drags him off by hes hair* Stop telling me what to do!!

Picture used in layout came from Here.
Layout made by Zoe @ Chokito Design.