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  • CHANNEL 43 NEWS: Site updates and major DBZ news..
    Bardock: 11-25-01 2:33 PM EDT-Okay, I'm back. I have just finished the second chapter of my fan fic so it is now up. As you may have noticed, we have a new banner. This is just a reminder. I am looking for a new staff. I'm also looking for fan subs and new ideas. If anyone has anything they would like to submit, please contact me. I am Bardock I could also use any input or codes you might want to contribute. If you have any sites you think I should link, top site lists I should join or any search engines I should sign onto, e-mail me the URL. Well, that's it for now. Look for new pictures, new fan fics and new multimedia in the future.
    Bardock: 11-13-01 10:36 PM EST-This is Bardock. Yet another major update. I put up the first chapter of our first fan fic, a bit of fan art, and a few new pictures. I do work all the time but because of the fact that my entire staff quit, work is slow and I only do updates on the home page if there are major changes on the page. See ya.
    Afterthought: I want to let you guys know that we are in dire need of submissions. We need links, suggestions, submissions, comments, whatever you have to offer to make this site better. If anyone knows anyone with HTML experience who might be interested in joining this staff, please give me the e-mail address and AIM screen name so that I may contact that person. Thanks for your help. You can make this site a better place.
    Bardock: 10-28-01 8:49 PM EST-This is Bardock. I've made a major update. In addition to making conserving space in the file manager, I have added a few wav files to the humor page. I will put background music on the home page as soon as possible. Enjoy.
    Bardock: 9-23-01 8:29 PM EDT-Hey, this is Bardock. I have made no real updates. Been too busy adjusting pic size in the pic gallery so I can conserve space in the file manager. Look to see updates in coming weeks. See ya round.
    Buzzard2: 9-3-01 8:35 PM PST-OMG!! What's happening!! Did a hacker hack in?? Oh, wait, that's just Buzzard2 updating...Jeez, I haven't updated in soooooooo long. It's cuz school started, and I have lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots [Edit: This would have gone on for too long, so I shortened it] of homework!!! And I'm only a Freshman in high school!! @_@ But hey, look on the bright side....Uh...I'm not around as much to pester people. Well, I think the CCG section is DeAd, I think we'll be getting someone more dedicated to work on it...But the messages boards are cool, post on them!! I'm the admin!! Anyway, gotta get back to Spanish homework...Hola! Me llama Buzzard2...Errrr...Hasta manana! Soy de Channel Dbz 43!! (Cya later! I'm from Channel Dbz 43!!)
    Bardock: 8-8-01 4:34 PM EDT-All right, we've been getting a lot of input people and soon we'll be putting a few more things together for you. We hope to have a few more humor pages up for you soon and a few more things to make you guys happy. The more input we get, the bigger and better this site will be so e-mail us, post on the message board, show us your anime web sites and give us you submissions. You are what makes this website great.