Super Saiyan Elite 3

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Current Members:

Why do you get more hits with this network?
- With this network you get more hits because the people can just click on your site button, and not a button that goes to my site, then they would have to click on the network link, then they would have to click on your site. This I think doesn't help any site at all, with this network the button goes directly to your site and it will show up randomly on all the other members sites!

How It Works:
- All sites that join must place our html code on every page
- All sites that join will have a site that ramdonly picks out a site, this happens to the other sites also, so you get more hits

- Must have a button 88x31
- Site must get at least 300 a day (must prove it with a stats for all or something like it)
- No ugly layouts

How To Join:
If you think you met the requirenments please e-mail me at or click here, if you don't fill out all of the information then I will not even look at your site. If you don't get a reply back then you didn't make.
- Site Name
- Site URL
- Hits per day
- Button URL (must not be animated)

If you make it:
- If you made it then you will getting an e-mail saying so, then once you get the e-mail put one of the html code on your site then e-mail me back then i'll add you to the network, and I'm going to put different colors so it can match your site, if you want IM me the color and I'll make it.