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Sacred Fire

My other pages:

April 6, 2001

**Music added to the Diablo Page.

**Check it out! New entrence way! Like the entrence banner?

May 31, 2001

**Diablo Page added.

**Movies Page added. The first episode of the cheap show has premiered!

May 26, 2001

**I added some more music.

**I am thinking of devoting a lot of space to providing you with some good, high quality music. Watch for it!

**Links Updated.

May 25, 2001

**MUSIC!!! Sweet, sweet music. Yes, I finally have music on this site, so enjoy it. :)

May 23, 2001

**Well, I decided to mess with Java Script some more, and oh my gawd! Wala! Enjoy the new scroll bar colors.

**Dude, I love Javascript. Now we have todays date, enjoy.

May 20, 2001

**Links Page Created. Check it out! Email me at to request to have your link on my page. But you have to put a link to my site from your site.

April 19, 2001

**New page "Memory Card Downloads" has finally opened. Here you can get some files for your playstation game. Maybe someday I'll have some files for N64, Dreamcast,....or PS2 memory cards.....but not now. Enjoy!

April 17, 2001

**Forums Created. New members needed!

**Jewel of Fire Strategy Guide Updated. Now it has all monster pics and stats. Plus I extended it.

**PHC fully shut down.

April 16, 2001

**Final Fantasy 7 page created and updated.

**Jewel of Fire Strategy Guide Updated. Shows better boss stats and everything. Be sure to vote at the poll!

**Lovin these frames!

**Dragon Ball Z page not even close to done. In fact, I havn't even worked on it.....I'm a lazy bum!

**Jewel of Fire Demo uploaded! Get it right on the page, or get the older version at the pavilion.

Thats it for the Updates!

Aeris's Death Theme-Final Fantasy 7