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This is a list of available transformations in my game. YOu can only use transformation during a battle(Any 3 kinds). At the end, you must transform to your original state.


Majin's (Bibidi, Babidi, All the Buu's)


Changelings (You have to complete a specific quest for each)

  • Trans Lv. 1: Must be at 1500 PL. All stats multiplied by 5.
  • Trans Lv. 2: Must be at 50000 PL. All stats multiplied by 10.
  • Trans Lv. 3: Must be at 100000 PL. PL and Ki multiplied by 15.
  • Trans lv. 4: Must be at 1,000,000 PL. All stats multiplied by 20.
Cell (This goes for Cell Jr.'s)
  • Imperfect Form: Must be at 5000 PL. All stats multiplied by 2. SP Lowered by 20%. Must have Absorbed 3 People.
  • Perfect Form: Must be at 75000 PL. All stats multiplied by 10. Must have absorbed at least 1 android.
  • Super Perfect Form: Must be at 1,000,000 PL. All stats Multiplied by 20. Must have absorbed at least 2 androids.
    Androids (Must complete a Special Quest!!)
    • Super Android: Must be at 10000 PL. HP, and PL Multiplied by PL/5000, up to 7X (35000 PL).
    • Master AI: Must be at 1,000,000. All stats Multiplied by 20.
      • Charge: Any level. All stats multiplied by PL/10000 up to 5X Stats (50000 PL).
      • SUPER Charge: Must be 1,000,000 PL. All stats multiplied by 20.
      Everyone can do the following
      • Fusion: Two characters fuse. They can be at any levels. Their stats are added, then multiplied by 50%. The result of the division is added to the stats. Read on theattacks
        page for more info...
    • Re-Birth: This always happens when you reach Approximately 1,500,000 PL. You die and start over on earth wil some of your old stats and powers. It cannot be prevented. You will keep some items and stuffs. This transformation is used to continue the game even after you reach your final transformation.
    • Past Self: Must have attained one Re-Birth. You will transform back to your old self for one day, with all the stats and Power and Attacks. You can use it once every 2 months.