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These are a list of the attacks, the amount of damage they dish out, and the amout of Ki they use. There will be more attacks as soon as I find them. Also, every attack wears off within 5 days, unless otherwise told so. If you dont have the time to learn an attack, you can find someone who does have the attack and learn it from them. The time will be increased by 100% and rounded to the highest whole number. (i.e. 7 days would be 14 days.) The amount of Ki it uses stays the same, though. Also, you can put extra Ki into a move to make it more powerful...For every extra 20 Ki you invest in a move, it'll increase by 50 AD. It'll also be harder to dodge. If you'd like to put more Ki into an attack, put a + sign next to the attack and the amount of extra Ki you want to put in. MORE!! If you see PURE GOOD, GOOD, EVIL, PURE EVIL, next to an attack, that means you must be that alignment to use the attack. If you see XGOOD, XEVIL, it means you cant use that attack against the Alignment marked. Neutrals arent allowed too use any Special ALignment Attacks.

Attacks (The first 10 are the only ones you are allowed to start with)

Manual Moves
  • You can always do Kicks and punches and all that fun stuff like headbutting and smashing. The greatest part is that they require no Ki use, anyone can use them and they pack a punch. (Forgive the pun). However, you cant use every manual attack infinitely. The Uses sign tells you how many times you can use the move during a battle. Your PL also affects the AD.
  • Punch--AD: 30--Uses: Infinite
  • Kicks--AD: 50--Uses: 50
  • Headbutt--AD: 100--Uses: 5
  • Knee smash--AD: 150--Uses: 2
  • Chop--AD: 70--Uses: 30
  • Elbow Strike--AD: 120--Uses: 3
  • Slap--AD: 25--Uses: infinite
  • METEOS (Meteos are a string of punches, Kicks, head butts, etc...A meteo is a two contact move, so it will oviously do more damage than one attack alone. However, these DO require Ki, and for every attack you string onto a meteo, (Up to 15), it costs you 100 Ki. Meteos are not increased in power by PL, because youre doing them so fast. There.