About Me

People wanna know about me? Wow. ^_^

Real name: Lindsey

Internet Names:
I always go by some form of the name Kyley. I usually take on the name Kyley Serunne (after my character Kyley).
My yahoo ID is LadyKyley.
My AOL ID is SaiyajinKyley or Psycho Boogiepop.
In real life most people call me "Linz", and OL most everyone calls me "K-chan", "Ky" or "K".

Gender: Female

Birthday: February 15, 1982

Age: 21

Grade: I'm a College student at The Art Institute of Houston.

Location: Houston, Texas

Favorite colors: Blue, Green, and Silver.

Pesonality: Well, I'm normally very cheerful and outgoing. I'm creative, and sweet, and most of the time nice to everyone. I only get mad and/or mean when people push me to it. Lets just say you don't wanna mess with me on a bad day. ~_^ I am also very playful, and mischevious around my close friends. heh heh heh. ^_^

Hobbies: I love to draw!! It's a big part of my life. I'm currently studying animation at AiH. I also like to write. I collect Anime. I collect manga too. I also spend a lot of time (although it might not seem like it) working on my website and stuff for it. You can also catch me at the Zarbon Shrine Forums everyday goofing off when I should be doing homework. ^_^
Some of the other things I like to do are Playing Video games (my fav is Final Fantasy VII). I play volleyball, and softball when I can. And I like going out to clubs with my friends. I also like spending time with my hubby Lee and spoiling my kitty Majik. ^_^

Fav Anime: Boogiepop Phantom, Slayers, and Fushigi Yuugi are my alltime favs. I'm also currently obbssesing over Hellsing and Inu Yasha.

Fav Manga: MARS!! I'm also quite addicted to Paradise Kiss, and a Korean work called Island
I'm also a big fan of Ayashi no Ceres (love the manga, don't care much for the anime though).

Pics of me!!
Here are a few pics of me. Some of them are a little old though. ^^;

For the hell of it...My kitty Majik

Email: saiyajingoddesskyley@yahoo.com