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People say that DBZ is the best show and Pokemon is childish but there is pokemon in Dragon Ball Z  just see you your self

Z Pokemon 4 on the kool scale

ok they are not really pokemon but still what is the difference 


Yamcha's best friend and Pokemon. Puar went to shape shifting school with Oolong. She has the ability to  hold her shape shifting form longer than Oolong and fly.


The shape shifting pig master roisi's pokemon. He went to shape shifting school with Puar. Oolong can only shape shift for 5 minutes. 

Gregory(mon) and Bubbles(mon)

King kia's pokemon Bubbles the monkey, and Gregory the crikket help King Kia in training students Bubbles gets chased and caught in height gravity same with Gregory but he gets hit in the head with a hammer or bat.