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More Shitz Up | Stated 2-24-2001 @ 12:50 am
Sorry I havn't done shit in awhile, but not exactly many more great sites in vp. So i might break up the sections some, like Progz sites, already have shops, Av sites, Chat sites, Webmaster sites, News sites, that kinda shit. Ok keep comin back.

More Shitz Up | Stated 2-24-2001 @ 12:50 am
Ok gotz more shit up, got Linkz page up, added Shopz opage for best Shopz, Workin on the look so added more flash in some places.

Shitz Up | Stated 2-23-2001 @ 9:56 pm
Well Got da Sites up yo, and the Bitch What! section up, just gotz da linkz yo. Lol. So can ya tell what layout i used yet? If not i'll tell ya sometime, though its obviously.

Opening | Stated 2-23-2001 @ 6:57PM
Just opening this bitch up. So what can't be that pointless of a site, lol. Besides those hard workin peeps of those kicks ass sites deserve it right. And hey what ya want me to do i'm bored. And seeing its dedicated to them, gives me right to mix there layouts up for my use. :evil grin: hehehe.


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